1. ECG changes can first be observed when level of lignocaine is more than


2. Which among the following is not used as topical local anesthetic:


3. The maxillary sinus opens into the middle meatus of the nose through the:


4. The initial effect of toxicity upon the brain for local anesthetics is usually stimulation and then depression. However, it is also possible that the excitatory phase of the reaction may be extremely brief or may not occur at all. This is true especially with:


5. Guerin fracture is


6. A 52-year-old woman requests removal of a painful mandibular second molar. She tells you that she has not rested for two days and nights because of the pain. Her medical history is unremarkable, except that she takes20 mg of Prednisone daily for erythema multiforme. How do you treat this patient?


7. Vitamin K is antagonist for


8. Oxidized cellulose (oxycel) cannot be used along with:


9. Most common bacterium responsible for subacute bacterial endocarditis after dental extraction is


10. Of the following Local anesthetics, which has intrinsic vasoconstrictive action?


11. After Le-Fort 1 osteotomy the blood supply of maxilla is maintained by


12. Dental care under local anesthesia is usually feasible


13. Least toxic of the more commonly used local anesthetic is:


14. Extraction of disto-angular impaction of mandibular 3rd molar can cause:


15. Le Fort I fracture is characterized by


16. Ptosis is caused by the lesions in:


17. Cocaine is said to be how many times toxic than procaine:


18. Keen approach is an example of:


19. Temperature becomes subnormal in:


20. When a maxillary third molar is displaced into the infratemporal fossa, it is usually displaced through the periosteum and located ________ to the lateral pterygoid plate and________ to the lateral pterygoid muscle with displacement.


Question 1 of 20