1. Most commonly impacted tooth:Maxillary caninesMandibular caninesMandibular third molarsMaxillary third molarsQuestion 1 of 20 2. A palatal flap for the removal a maxillary impacted canine near the midline should beStarted with a vertical incision in the midlineSemilunar in designReflected around the necks of the teethStarted with vertical incisions in the opposite canine regionQuestion 2 of 20 3. Visor osteotomy is used to:Increase height of both anterior and posterior mandibular ridgeIncrease width of mandibular ridgeIncrease height of posterior mandibleIncrease height of anterior mandibleQuestion 3 of 20 4. A 65 years old woman has extensive caries in maxillary molar which served as abutment. While extracting, care should be taken to avoid the following:Alveolitis siccaDisplacement of Palatal root into maxillary sinusDisplacement of roots into infra temporal fossaOsteomyelitisQuestion 4 of 20 5. How much fluids are given to a patient postoperatively in 24 hours:1500 cc3000 cc500 cc1000 ccQuestion 5 of 20 6. The common complication of the local anesthetic prilocaine isHepatic dysfunctionAgranulocytosisLoss of tasteMethemoglobinemiaQuestion 6 of 20 7. Which of the following foramen/location pairings are correctAll of the aboveLesser palatine foramen/lateral to the greater palatine foramenIncisive foramen/posterior to the interproximal space of the central incisorsGreater palatine foramen/distal to the apex of maxillary 1st molarQuestion 7 of 20 8. In bilateral parasymphyseal fractures of mandible the symphysis falls back due to the action ofGeniohyoid and temporalisGeniohyoid and anterior belly of digastricsGeniohyoid and mylohyoidGeniohyoid and masseterQuestion 8 of 20 9. Space involved in Ludwig's AnginaSubmandibular, sublingual, pterygopalatineSubmandibular, sublingual, submentalSubmandibular, Buccal, pterygopalatineSublingual, submental, PterygopalatineQuestion 9 of 20 10. In posterior superior alveolar nerve block, the needle is advanced in anUpward, outward and backward directionDownward, inward and forward directionUpward, outward and forward directionUpward, inward and backward directionQuestion 10 of 20 11. Coleman sign is:Hematoma of cheekHematoma of Floor of mouthHematoma of hard palateHematoma behind mastoid processQuestion 11 of 20 12. When a canine space infection has proceeded from cellulitis to fluctuance which is apparent visibly and digitally and the patient is in great pain, the initial treatment should beGiving an infraorbital nerve block to provide pain reliefIncision and drainageApplication of hot packs over the regionAdministering parentral antibioticsQuestion 12 of 20 13. Lateral pharyngeal space Is not connected directly bySubmandibular spaceSublingual spaceRetropharyngeal spaceBuccal spaceQuestion 13 of 20 14. Abnormal shortness of the frenum of tongue is known as -AnkyloglossiaHypoplasiaFrenum aplasiaMicroglossiaQuestion 14 of 20 15. Gas used for Conscious sedation:N2O + O2N2O + H2N2O + O3N2O + HeQuestion 15 of 20 16. All of the following are true statements concerning the principles of suturing technique EXCEPTThe needle should be perpendicular when it enters the tissueSutures should be 2-3 mm apartTissues should be closed under tensionSutures should be placed from thin tissue to thick tissueQuestion 16 of 20 17. Stimulation of trigeminal nerve while doing condylectomy can lead to:Torsades des pointesVentricular tachycardiaParoxysmal Atrial tachycardiaBradycardiaQuestion 17 of 20 18. OsteomyelitisOf mandible can show symptoms of lip ParesthesiaIn acute cases fracture mandible is very commonProduces no lymphadenopathyNever occurs in InfantsQuestion 18 of 20 19. Apical cyst having a direct connection with apical foramen have been termed asResidualBayParadentalCollateralQuestion 19 of 20 20. Caldwell and Letterman described which of the following procedures for correction of Mandibular prognathismSagittal Split OsteotomyVertical Subsigmoid OsteotomyInverted L OsteotomySubcondylar OsteotomyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...