1. Which of the following is inappropriate treatments for an impending vasovagal syncopal episode


2. The optimum site for IV sedation for an outpatient is the:


3. sharp stabbing pain from anterior teeth conducted to brain by


4. The highest incidence of fractures occurs in:


5. How much fluids are given to a patient postoperatively in 24 hours:


6. After multiple tooth extraction, suture is placed at


7. The Longest acting, most potent and most toxic LA is


8. Term used to denote the diameter of a needle is:


9. Inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia is most commonly associated with which of the following Mandibular fractures


10. First Local Anaesthesia to be used clinically was


11. 2010 ACLS guideline does not include


12. While extracting an infected tooth in a pregnant woman, she faints. Dentist should put her in which position:


13. What is the most common type of mid-facial fracture?


14. What are the parts of a local anaesthetic syringe:


15. Which lymph nodes directly receive lymph from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (except the tip)?


16. Difficulty score for a Mesioangular Class II Position C mandibular third molar is:


17. Obstructive apnea is most commonly seen to develop in


18. Least toxic of the more commonly used local anesthetic is:


19. The universal sign of laryngeal obstruction is:


20. Maximum swelling a patient experiences after trauma to face is:


Question 1 of 20