1. Which tooth has a root that is NOT consistently innervated by the PSA nerve? All of the above The maxillary third molar The maxillary first molar The maxillary second molar 2. Excessive pressure at angle of mandible during establishment of patent airway damages the 8th cranial n 9th cranial n. 7th cranial n. 5th cranial n. 3. In PSA block, which of the following teeth are effectively/completely anesthetized? Maxillary 2nd and 3rd molars only Maxillary 1st, 2nd and 3rd molars Maxillary 3rd molars only Maxillary 1st and 2nd molars only 4. Which is the most potent topical anesthetic: Mepivacaine Prilocaine Tetracaine Benzocaine 5. Pulse rate in infant is normally: 130 beats/min 60 beats/min 80 beats/min 100 beats/min 6. A general anesthetic should not be used for an elective surgical procedure in a patient with less than: 12 grams Hb 19 grams Hb 8 gams Hb 10 grams Hb 7. Which of the following foramen/location pairings are correct Greater palatine foramen/distal to the apex of maxillary 1st molar Lesser palatine foramen/lateral to the greater palatine foramen Incisive foramen/posterior to the interproximal space of the central incisors All of the above 8. What are the parts of a local anaesthetic syringe: Needle Adaptor, piston, barrel Hub, shaft, barrel Needle adaptor, shank, barrel Hub, shaft, rubber depressor 9. Local anesthetics stop axonal conduction by blocking: Sodium channels Calcium channels All of the above Potassium channels 10. Which tooth can be most readily extracted by rotation: Maxillary canine maxillary 1st premolars mandibular central incisors Maxillary central incisors 11. Angulation of needle during suturing as the needle enters the tissue: As close to 0 degree as possible 45 degrees 135 degrees 90 degrees 12. Horizontal favourable fracture of mandible is seen when the fracture line is oriented: Posterolateral to anteromedial Forwards towards alveolar process from inferior border Anterolateral to posteromedial Backwards towards alveolar bone from inferior border 13. On administration of LA in an area of infection, it is not effective because of increase in Free base Uncharged base None Cations 14. Reactionary hemorrhage is hemorrhage after surgery that occurs After 72 hours Within 24 hours After 24 hour After 7 days 15. Lag screw fixation is an example of: Rigid load bearing fixation Rigid, load sharing fixation Semi rigid, load sharing fixation Semi rigid, load bearing fixation 16. Local anesthetics block nerve conduction by Decreasing the membrane permeability to Na+ ions there by stabilizing nerve membrane None of the above Increasing the membrane permeability to K. ions and by depolarising nerve membrane Depolarising the nerve membrane reducing threshold potential 17. Which of the following are involved in the path for parasympathetic innervation of the parotid gland Trigeminal Nerve Vagus Nerve Pterygopalatine Ganglion Otic Ganglion 18. Local anesthetic agent used in a patient with a history of allergy to LA agents is Chloroform Diphenylalanine Ether Mepivacaine 19. Lidocaine is: Ten times as toxic as procaine Least toxic LA agent One and one-half times as toxic as procaine Least safest inhalation anesthetic 20. Lingual split techniinstrument used to cut the tooth is Surgical bur Straight elevator Osteotome Chiesal Loading … Question 1 of 20