1. Gas used for Conscious sedation:


2. Ptosis is caused by the lesions in:


3. Lingual split techniinstrument used to cut the tooth is


4. Lidocaine is:


5. Maximum dose articaine dose that can be given is


6. Diagnosis of dry socket is done by


7. After inj. of LA pt experiences pallor, perspiration and disorientation. What is the first step of treatment


8. Most common bacterium responsible for subacute bacterial endocarditis after dental extraction is


9. In Triage, which colour code is used to depict moderate injury that is not life threatening?


10. A polytrauma patient reported to the emergency on a stretcher, with a semirigid cervical collar support. On examination, patient was non responsive to painful stimuli, verbal commands. What is your first plan of action


11. Le Fort I fracture is characterized by


12. While extracting an infected tooth in a pregnant woman, she faints. Dentist should put her in which position:


13. Patient with prosthetic cardiac valve needs oral surgical procedure under GA. Antibiotic prophylaxis of choice is


14. A lady in 2nd trimester of pregnancy develops syncope while extraction of the 2nd maxillary molar. She should be placed in:


15. During an inferior alveolar nerve block injection, the needle passes through the mucous membrane and the buccinator muscle and lies lateral to the:


16. Pulse rate in infant is normally:


17. Polyglycolic acid suture is:


18. Red line in the Winter WAR lines signifies:


19. Guerin sign is seen in:


20. The maxillary sinus opens into the middle meatus of the nose through the:


Question 1 of 20