1. Which injection anesthetizes the distobuccal aspect of the mandibular first molar?Anterior superior alveolar (ASA)Posterior superior alveolar (PSA)Inferior alveolar (IA)Middle superior alveolar (MSA)Question 1 of 20 2. In Winters classification, Red line indicates:Short line easy extractionno effectLonger line easy extractionLonger line difficult extractionQuestion 2 of 20 3. Patient with head injury and cervical # cannot be ruled out , best method of intubation isFiberoptic intubationCombitubeLMANormal/regular Laryngoscopy and intubationQuestion 3 of 20 4. A patient of an head injury with fracture of middle third facial skeleton converses disoriented (V), opens his eyes (E) to speech and motor (M) responsiveness is flexion withdrawal. His Glasgow coma score will be (MVE):M-3,-V-3, E-3M-4, V-4, E-3M-2, V-2, E-2M-5, V-5, E-4Question 4 of 20 5. How long should one wait before obtaining a biopsy of an oral ulcer?4 days14 days30 days7 daysQuestion 5 of 20 6. Renal dialysis produces concern as to when best to dentally treat this patient. A concern is the use of heparin in the dialysis process and its effect on oral bleeding. When is the BEST time to treat the dialysis patient?The day of dialysisThe day after dialysisTwo days before dialysisThe day before dialysisQuestion 6 of 20 7. Principle of Apexo elevator:Wedge principleClass I leverWheel and axleClass II leverQuestion 7 of 20 8. The roof of pterygo-mandibular space is formed byTemporalis muscleMedial pterygoid muscleCranial baseLateral pterygoidQuestion 8 of 20 9. A suitable fixative for a routine biopsy specimen is20 % formalin10 % alcohol40%formalin10% formalinQuestion 9 of 20 10. Maximum swelling a patient experiences after trauma to face is:After 48 hoursAfter 12 hoursAfter 36 hoursAfter 24. HoursQuestion 10 of 20 11. The most common tooth to get Impacted isMaxillary II premolarMandibular canineMaxillary canineMandibular II premolarQuestion 11 of 20 12. Three cartridges of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine contain _____ lidocaine.108 mg36 mg54 mg54 ?gQuestion 12 of 20 13. Of the following Local anesthetics, which has intrinsic vasoconstrictive action?ProcaineBupivacaineCocaineXylocaineQuestion 13 of 20 14. Cocaine is said to be how many times toxic than procaine:Twenty timesTen timesBoth are equally toxicSeven timesQuestion 14 of 20 15. HBO is indicated in all except:Gas embolismSeizure therapyRefractory osteomyelitisOsteoradionecrosisQuestion 15 of 20 16. The mechanical advantage obtained from the wheel and axle principle of elevator is4.662.53Question 16 of 20 17. The maxillary sinus opens into the middle meatus of the nose through the:Hiatus semilunarisFrontonasal ductNasolacrimal ductBulla ethmoidalisQuestion 17 of 20 18. A child with severe retrognathia and Bilateral TMJ ankylosis has restricted mouth opening. Which type of intubation is considered best here:Fiberoptic laryngoscopyTracheostomyConventional intubationVideolaryngoscopyQuestion 18 of 20 19. The _____ is recommended for palatal soft-tissue management from canine to canine bilaterally in the maxilla.NasopalatineInferior alveolarPosterior superior alveolarLong buccalQuestion 19 of 20 20. Lateral pharyngeal space Is not connected directly byRetropharyngeal spaceSublingual spaceBuccal spaceSubmandibular spaceQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...