1. BEST method of intubation in patient undergoing Rx for oral surgery


2. A patient with orthopedic hip implant is to undergo dental extraction. What antibiotic prophylaxis should be given:


3. Hooding of eyes is seen in which fracture:


4. Apex elevator utilises which principle:


5. Bilateral circumferential echymosis is seen in


6. Local anaesthesia acts by:


7. Polyglycolic acid suture is:


8. Lateral trephination technigiven by Henry Bowdler is used for extraction of:


9. Distal part of the impacted third molar is covered by ascending ramus. What is the classification


10. Lingual split bone techniis used for extraction of:


11. In Polytrauma patient, Type of Shock is:


12. In the extraoral technifor mandibular nerve block the needle after contacting the pterygoid plate is directed


13. Osteotomes differ from chisels In that they are


14. During Ostectomy procedure, the direction of the bevel of chisel should be kept:


15. Which nerve may, in some cases, also serve as an afferent nerve for the mandibular first molar, which needs to be considered when there is failure of the inferior alveolar local anesthetic block


16. White line in Winter’s WAR lines represents:


17. Gelfoam, used to control bleeding gets absorbed in:


18. A lady in 2nd trimester of pregnancy develops syncope while extraction of the 2nd maxillary molar. She should be placed in:


19. In PSA block, which of the following teeth are effectively/completely anesthetized?


20. A patient requires periapical surgery related to both maxillary central incisors. What will be the local anesthesia blocks you will use?


Question 1 of 20