1. The mechanical advantage obtained from the wheel and axle principle of elevator is 3 2.5 6 4.6 2. Posterior mandible resorbs at a rate approximately times faster than the anterior mandible 8 times 4times 6 times 2 times 3. Which nerve may, in some cases, also serve as an afferent nerve for the mandibular first molar, which needs to be considered when there is failure of the inferior alveolar local anesthetic block Posterior superior alveolar nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Facial nerve Mylohyoid nerve 4. Maximum dose articaine dose that can be given is 6mg/kg 5.4 mg/Kg 1.3 mg/kg 7mg/kg 5. The proper use of an elevator dictates that the fulcrum be: Alveolar bone Adjacent tooth Interdental papilla Tooth to be removed 6. The optimum site for IV sedation for an outpatient is the: Axillary vein Median basilic vein Median cephalic vein Median antebrachial vein 7. How much fluids are given to a patient postoperatively in 24 hours: 500 cc 1000 cc 3000 cc 1500 cc 8. Which lymph nodes directly receive lymph from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (except the tip)? Parotid lymph nodes All of them Submental lymph nodes Submandibular lymph nodes 9. Gas used for Conscious sedation: N2O + H2 N2O + O2 N2O + He N2O + O3 10. Ptosis is caused by the lesions in: Troclilear Oculomotor Trigeminal Abducens 11. sharp stabbing pain from anterior teeth conducted to brain by A delta fibres Beta fibres C fibres Gamma fibres 12. Maximum swelling a patient experiences after trauma to face is: After 48 hours After 12 hours After 36 hours After 24. Hours 13. Hayton William forceps is used in: Reduction of zygomatic arch in isolated zygomatic fractures Reduction of maxilla in Le Fort fractures Reduction of mandible in condylar fractures Reduction of mandible in angle fractures 14. Coleman sign is: Hematoma of hard palate Hematoma of Floor of mouth Hematoma behind mastoid process Hematoma of cheek 15. Lateral trephination technigiven by Henry Bowdler is used for extraction of: Partially formed maxillary canines Partially formed maxillary third molars Partially formed mandibular third molars Partially formed mandibular canines 16. Apex elevator utilises which principle: Pulley Lever Wedge Wheel and axle 17. L.a is deposited in inferior alveolar nerve block near groove of mandibular neck lingula sigmoid notch coronoid notch 18. Which of the following intravenous Induction agents is the most suitable for day care surgery Morphine Diazepam Propofol Ketamine 19. One of the primary differences between ester-type and amide-type local anesthetics is the: Site of metabolism Rate of absorption Duration of action Extent of distribution 20. Best view for horizontally favourable and unfavourable angle fracture: PA towne’s view OPG PA Ceph Lateral oblique Loading … Question 1 of 20