1. Gate control theory was given byHarrisburgGoldshiederMelzack and WallDescartesQuestion 1 of 20 2. Most upper third molar teeth luxate in a:Distobuccal directionDistolirtgual directionMesiobuccal directionMesiolingual directionQuestion 2 of 20 3. Most commonly impacted tooth:Maxillary third molarsMandibular third molarsMandibular caninesMaxillary caninesQuestion 3 of 20 4. A patient of an head injury with fracture of middle third facial skeleton converses disoriented (V), opens his eyes (E) to speech and motor (M) responsiveness is flexion withdrawal. His Glasgow coma score will be (MVE):M-4, V-4, E-3M-5, V-5, E-4M-2, V-2, E-2M-3,-V-3, E-3Question 4 of 20 5. A patient with Ludwig's angina comes to the emergency with signs of difficulty in breathing. The emergency treatment in such a patient would involveCricothyrotomyTracheostomyIncision and drainageOropharyngeal intubation using fiber optic guidanceQuestion 5 of 20 6. Le Clerc procedure is used for management of:TMJ ArthroplastyTMJ ArthritisTMJ AnkylosisTMJ DislocationQuestion 6 of 20 7. Vitamin K is antagonist forClotting factorsThrombinCorticosteroidsBishydroxyl coumarinQuestion 7 of 20 8. Which is the most potent topical anesthetic:PrilocaineTetracaineMepivacaineBenzocaineQuestion 8 of 20 9. A patient aged 28 years complaints of left side TM joint clicking with constant type of dull aching pain in the joint area. He has:Type IB internal derangementType IA internal derangementType II internal derangementType III internal derangementQuestion 9 of 20 10. Pederson classification is for assessing:Impacted mandibular canineImpacted mandibular 3rd molarImpacted maxillary 3rd molarImpacted maxillary canineQuestion 10 of 20 11. In general, shock is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?BradycardiaAdrenergic responseIncreased vascular resistanceMyocardial ischemiaQuestion 11 of 20 12. A patient requires periapical surgery related to both maxillary central incisors. What will be the local anesthesia blocks you will use?Bilateral PSA + nasopalatineBilateral Greater palatine + PSABilateral Infraorbital nerve block onlyBilateral Anterior superior alveolar + nasopalatineQuestion 12 of 20 13. The proper use of an elevator dictates that the fulcrum be:Adjacent toothTooth to be removedAlveolar boneInterdental papillaQuestion 13 of 20 14. The Longest acting, most potent and most toxic LA isLidocaineDibucaineTetracaineBupivacaineQuestion 14 of 20 15. A suitable fixative for a routine biopsy specimen is40%formalin20 % formalin10% formalin10 % alcoholQuestion 15 of 20 16. In bilateral parasymphyseal fractures of mandible the symphysis falls back due to the action ofGeniohyoid and masseterGeniohyoid and anterior belly of digastricsGeniohyoid and mylohyoidGeniohyoid and temporalisQuestion 16 of 20 17. A lady in 2nd trimester of pregnancy develops syncope while extraction of the 2nd maxillary molar. She should be placed in:Head down towards kneesRight lateralLeft lateralTrendlenberg positionQuestion 17 of 20 18. Fracture which breaks continuity of one cortex without fracture of the other cortex is called:Compound fractureComminuted fractureGreenstick fractureSimple fractureQuestion 18 of 20 19. Least toxic of the more commonly used local anesthetic is:LignocaineBupivacaineProcaineTetracaineQuestion 19 of 20 20. Gas used for Conscious sedation:N2O + HeN2O + O3N2O + H2N2O + O2Question 20 of 20 Loading...