1. Keen approach is an example of: Submandibular approach for condylar fractures Extraoral approach for Zygomatic fractures Temporal approach for zygomatic fractures Intraoral approach for zygomatic fractures 2. Which of the following muscle/nerve pairings is incorrect Superior ObliM. / Trochlear N. Inferior Rectus M. / Occulomotor N. Medial Rectus M. / Abducens N. Lateral Rectus M. / Abducens N. 3. In Triage, which colour code is used to depict moderate injury that is not life threatening? Red Black Yellow Green 4. Degree of Diplopia in a patient with maxillofacial injuries is best assessed by Forced duction test Whitnall test Visual acquity test HESS chart 5. When a maxillary third molar is displaced into the infratemporal fossa, it is usually displaced through the periosteum and located ________ to the lateral pterygoid plate and________ to the lateral pterygoid muscle with displacement. Lateral, Superior Lateral, Inferior Medial, Inferior Medial, Superior 6. Most upper third molar teeth luxate in a: Distolirtgual direction Mesiolingual direction Mesiobuccal direction Distobuccal direction 7. While extracting an infected tooth in a pregnant woman, she faints. Dentist should put her in which position: Lateral on left side Supine head up Supine head down Horizontal on floor 8. Which size suture has the least strength and the smallest diameter? 9-0 3-0 5-0 2-0 9. First clinical sign of lignocaine toxicity of CNS: Nervousness Slurring of speech Syncope Vomiting 10. Champy’s plate is: Monocortical non-compression Bicortical non-compression Monocortical compression Bicortical compression 11. Local anesthetic agent used in a patient with a history of allergy to LA agents is Diphenylalanine Chloroform Ether Mepivacaine 12. Patient with history of Steroid use requires extraction under GA. patient requires premedications with Antibiotics Atropine Anti hypertensives Antihistaminics 13. While attempting to remove a grossly decayed mandibular molar, the crown fractures. What is the recommended next step in order to facilitate the removal of this tooth? Use larger forceps and luxate remaining portion of tooth to the lingual Separate the roots Irrigate the area and proceed to remove the rest of the tooth Place a sedative filling and reschedule patient 14. After multiple tooth extraction, suture is placed at Interdental septum Adjacent tooth Across the socket None of the above 15. Check point in the reduction of zygoma during management of maxillary Complex fractures is: Symmetry of the zygomatic arches Symmetry at the infraorbital rim Symmetry at the frontozygomatic suture area Alignment at the zygomatic maxillary buttress area 16. Gate control theory was given by Melzack and Wall Descartes Goldshieder Harrisburg 17. Simplifying the fracture is done in Panfacial trauma Comminuted fracture of the mandible Condylar fracture simple fracture of the mandible 18. In general, barbiturates have the ability to: Provide sedation and analgesia Provide sedation but no analgesia Be sedative but not hypnotic Produce long-term cortical depression 19. A diastolic murmur is usually considered: Physiological Variable entity Normal Pathological 20. Obstructive apnea is most commonly seen to develop in Orbital floor # Dentigerous cyst Mandibular ameloblastoma B/L TMJ Ankylosis Loading … Question 1 of 20