1. in a patient with cerebral palsy all are seen excepttraumaincreased salivationfluorosisincreased dental cariesQuestion 1 of 20 2. Heck's disease isFordyces granulesFocal epithelial hyperplasiaOsteosclerosisLingua NigraQuestion 2 of 20 3. In a patient with angular chelitis,the biologic examination of a smear from the lesion would most probably revealcandidaHSV-1SpirochetesTubercle bacilliQuestion 3 of 20 4. all are tumor suppressor genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma exceptRbFHITST18P16INK4AQuestion 4 of 20 5. Granular cell ameloblastoma is characterized by granules which are composed of:MitochondriaZymogenLysosomesAzurophilic substanceQuestion 5 of 20 6. langerhans cell histiocytosis was previously known aseosinophilic granulomapyogenic granulomaletter sive diseasehistiocytosis xQuestion 6 of 20 7. which one of the following shows 'blueberry lips'Gardner syndromeMEN syndromeAlbright syndromecyanotic heart diseaseQuestion 7 of 20 8. Which disease of salivary gland is common in children but usually occurs once in lifetimeAdenomaMumpssmall poxHerpes zosterQuestion 8 of 20 9. which of the following cyst shows maximum amount of recurrencefollicular cystdentigerous cystcalcifying odontogenic epithelial cystodontogenic keratocystQuestion 9 of 20 10. A pleomorphic adenoma is characterized bymetastases.recurrance.pain.ulceration.Question 10 of 20 11. A syphilitic gumma is most commonly found on thelip.palate.buccal mucosatongue.Question 11 of 20 12. Fothergill disease is:Giant cell arteritisSphenopalatine neuralgiaTrigeminal neuralgiaGlossopalatine neuralgiaQuestion 12 of 20 13. Which of the following is not a feature of Hyperparathyroidism?Osteitis fibrosa cysticBrown tumorPaget's diseaseOsteopetrosisQuestion 13 of 20 14. The characteristic multiple punched out lesions are seen inHyperparathyroidismOsteosarcomaFibrus dysplasiaMultiple myelomaQuestion 14 of 20 15. dermatotropic viral diseases arescabies,impetigo, scarlet feverEncephalitis, oral ulcerations, cellulitissmall pox, chicken pox, measlesHepatitis, scabies, encephalitisQuestion 15 of 20 16. Patient complaints of burning mouth. On examination tongue was red ,bald and filiform papillae were absent. Patient also provide history of long term antibiotic use. What is probable etiologysyphilisacute atrophic candidiasisgeographic tongueScarlet feverQuestion 16 of 20 17. The term applied to a low white blood cell count isleukopenia.thrombocythemia.thrombocytopenia.leukocytosis.Question 17 of 20 18. Koebner phenomenon is seen inPsoriasisErythema multiformePemphigoidImpetigoQuestion 18 of 20 19. A 36 year old female had swelling of mandible in lower right molar Peripheral palisading with central stroma retraction artefactIslands of cells with central loose stria with mitotic figuresIslands of palisading cells with necrosis and nuclear atypiaPeripheral palisading cells islands with central loose stellate reticulumQuestion 19 of 20 20. Nasoalveolar cyst is also known asmedian palatal cystNasopalatine duct cystEpstein pearlsKlestdats cystQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...