1. Which of the following is not responsible for the endogenous staining of teeth during development

Question 1 of 20

2. On streching the cheek the lesion disappears in

Question 2 of 20

3. A 5 year old child developed a fibrous verrucous growth on the lower lip which was non mobile,pedunculated,hyperkeratotic and exophytic.The histologic examination showed finger like projections of epithelium running deep into the connective tissue.The xamination of the hands of the child revealed papillomatous growth on his left thumb which was larger than the right thumb.What could be the probable diagnosis

Question 3 of 20

4. Most premalignant lesion amongst the following is:

Question 4 of 20

5. Delayed eruption with multiple supernumerary teeth is seen in

Question 5 of 20

6. differential white blood cells count in the laboratory are useful in the diagnosis of

Question 6 of 20

7. Degeneration of basement membrane and loss of retepegs is seen in

Question 7 of 20

8. With age, which cells increase in number in salivary gland:

Question 8 of 20

9. A 40 years old lady reported with history of pain in right cheek since the last 2 months. The pain is sharp, lancinating and sudden in onset and brief in duration. The attacks are triggered by chewing foo She is normal in between the attacks. What is the diagnosis:

Question 9 of 20

10. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is inherited as

Question 10 of 20

11. scaphocephaly is caused by premature fusion of

Question 11 of 20

12. Mother of a 3 yr old child is worried about small yellowish eruptions along the mid palatine raphe that have formed in the child's mouth.The child is normal and does not seem to have any adverse signs or symptoms.what is the possible diagnosis

Question 12 of 20

13. green discoloration of tongue is due to which of the drug

Question 13 of 20

14. The acinic cell carcinoma is derived from serous acinar cells and is found almost exclusively in the

Question 14 of 20

15. gene mutation that causes ectodermal dysplasia with cleft lip and palate

Question 15 of 20

16. Matted lymph nodes are seen in

Question 16 of 20

17. Which disease of salivary gland is common in children but usually occurs once in lifetime

Question 17 of 20

18. The dental finding in patient with porphyria is

Question 18 of 20

19. A lady complaints her 9 year old daughter is suffering from oral ulceration, fever and shedding of skin from Palm and soles. She also provided history of premature exfoliation of teeth and increased sweating. She also gave history of using new teething gel available in market for past one month. Her daughter is most probably suffering from

Question 19 of 20

20. A 36 year old female had swelling of mandible in lower right molar

Question 20 of 20