1. Which of the following anomaly needs consideration in restorative treatment?Dens in denteTaurodontismDilacerationEnamelomaQuestion 1 of 20 2. Cobble stone appearance of oral mucosaTropical sprueCrohn diseaseUlcerative colitisWhipple diseaseQuestion 2 of 20 3. oral lichenoid reaction differs from oral lichen planuslymphocytes extending immediately subjacent to the epitheliumdiffuse infiltration of neutrophilsliquefaction degeneration in basal layerWickham's striaeQuestion 3 of 20 4. in skull radiograph beaten metal appearance is seen insickle cell anaemiaaneurysmal bone cystcrouzon syndromeosteomyelitisQuestion 4 of 20 5. The acinic cell carcinoma is derived from serous acinar cells and is found almost exclusively in theParotid glandminor glands of palatesubmandibular glandsublingual glandQuestion 5 of 20 6. spreading enzyme produced by some species of streptococcusstreptokinaseerythrogenic toxincoagulasehyaluronidaseQuestion 6 of 20 7. Which of these is a type of scleroderma:Gardeners syndromePierre Robin syndromeParry Romberg syndromeMerkelsson Rosenthal syndromeQuestion 7 of 20 8. Osteogenesis imperfecta is manifested bymultiple fractures and blue sclera.numerous unerupted supernumerary teeth.punched-out radiolucencies in the jaws.osteoporosis and anemiaQuestion 8 of 20 9. Which of the following originates from all three germ layers namely ectoderm mesoderm and endodermDermoid cystThyroglossal cystTeratomaBrachial cyst Thyroglossal cystQuestion 9 of 20 10. Osteopetrosis ismarble's bone diseaseAlbers schonberg diseasePagets diseaseBoth A and BQuestion 10 of 20 11. Most premalignant lesion amongst the following is:Lichen planusErythroplakiaSubmucous fibrosisLeukoplakiaQuestion 11 of 20 12. which of the following feature is not seen in crouzon syndromeMidface hypoplaisaOcular hypertelorismBeak shaped noseSyndactylyQuestion 12 of 20 13. Which of the following has a non odontogenic originOKCSebaceous cystDentigerous cystRadicular cystQuestion 13 of 20 14. Unilateral vesicular eruptions along the course of the nerve in Orofacial region are seen inherpes simplex infectionerythema multiformeherpetic gingivostomatitisherpes zoster infectionQuestion 14 of 20 15. A large encapsulated fluid-filled tumour is removed from the hard palate. The most appropriate method of determining the nature of this lesion is tosubmit the tissue for exfoliative cytological studysubmit the tissue for istological examinationexamine the fluid under a microscope.culture the fluid and examine for bacterial growth.Question 15 of 20 16. In myositis ossificans muscle affected ismassatermedial pterygoidTemporalisDigastricQuestion 16 of 20 17. Liesegang rings in Pindborg tumor when stained by Congo red and examined under polarised light appearflouroscent greenflouroscent yellowyellow redapple greenQuestion 17 of 20 18. Which index correlates the maturational status of a tooth to its developmental stage:GustaffsonRoot transparencyDemerijian IndexSchour and MasslerQuestion 18 of 20 19. Most common intraoral infection in diabetic patient:StreptococciStaphylococciAspergillusCandidiasisQuestion 19 of 20 20. A 40 year old female complaints of pain on the cheek which triggers on chewing food and in between she has no pain. Diagnosis isTrigeminal neuralgiaSphenopalatine neuralgiaGiant cell arteritisGlossopharyngeal neuralgiaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...