1. A patient presents with apparent paralysis of one side of the face which appeared the day before. What is the most likely diagnosis?
2. What is the main ingredient of the developing solution that serves to convert the exposed silver salts on the emulsion film into silver metallic ions?
3. Hyper extensibility of tongue is seen in
4. Histidine is converted to histamine by
5. Most premalignant lesion amongst the following is:
6. All of the following drugs have activity against hepatitis B virus except
7. Thiamine deficiency can cause lactic acidosis due to which enzyme dysfunction?
8. Condition in which toungue is attached to the floor of the mouth by a small frenum is called
9. Most common carcinoma occuring in lip
10. Proper radiographic infection control includes all of the following except one. Which one is the exception?
11. Of the following, aspirin does not cause
12. An ovoid radiolucency found located in the inferior border of posterior mandible region, which contains salivary gland tissue is
13. Bremsstrahlung radiation results from ____.
14. A cell membrane is damaged by insertion of a microneedle. Repair of the membrane occurs by
15. in skull radiograph beaten metal appearance is seen in
16. Angiotensin II causes all except
17. differential white blood cells count in the laboratory are useful in the diagnosis of
18. serum creatinine is most accurately measured by
19. Laboratory examination of the blood of a patient with an acute bacterial infection would show
20. In brush biopsy ,brush is
21. The most common pathway of glycolysis
22. hemoglobin estimation is done by all except
23. Which of the following originates from all three germ layers namely ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm
24. While prescribing a drug the term 'HS' indicates
25. Wernicke's encephalopathy is caused by deficiency of
26. the radioopacity that frequently obliqueterates the apices of maxillary molarswhen using the bisecting principle of intra oral radiography is the
27. fluorescence means
28. If a processed film appears light with herringbone or tire track pattern on it, which of the following is the likely cause?
29. Which index correlates the maturational status of a tooth to its developmental stage:
30. The amino acid residue having an imino side chain is
31. Longest acting sulphonamide
32. Malonate competetively inhibits
33. The following tetracycline has the potential to cause vestibular toxicity
34. gene mutation that causes ectodermal dysplasia with cleft lip and palate
35. all of them use non ionizing radiation except
36. Misoprostol,a prostaglandin analogue is useful as
37. Xylitol is a
38. the structural proteins are involved in maintaining the shape of cell or in the formation of matrices in the body.the shape of these proteins is
39. a patient with a history of radiation therapy requires special consideration because
40. difference between epithelial lining of cyst and oral cavity is
41. a patient sustains an injury to mandible. Which is the best projection for evaluation of the condylar neck and ramus area
42. Most aggressive form (high malignant potential) of Basal Cell carcinoma is:
43. Long-term use of aspirin in rheumatoid arthritis is limited by its propensity to cause
44. Ibuprofen acts on
45. Which drug would treat both dermatophysis and candida infections
46. Which vitamin is essential for metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids
47. the density or the overall darkening of the radiograph depends on all except
48. Most common tumor of parotid gland is
49. The oral pharyngeal and Oesophageal candidiasis following longterm therapy with a broad spectrum antibiotic can be best treated with
50. All of the following are reducing sugars except
51. Antifungal used as cancer therapeutic agent is
52. Which of the following drugs has spasmolytic activity and could also be used in the management of seizure casued by overdose of a local anaesthetic
53. Imidazole ring is present in
54. Pyruvate dehydrogenase requires all cofactors except
55. Unaltered final product of TCA cycle
56. Therapeutic drug index is used to assess
57. Urea is synthesized in all except
58. Leucine is a amino acid with a
59. Potter-Bucky diaphragm is used to
60. The most likely diagnosis of a proliferative lesion found at a denture periphery is a/an
61. 36 year old woman reported with history of exposed bone in the posterior alveolus with history of multiple myeloma probably has
62. MRI sequence used to assess soft tissue pathology in
63. Prolonged administration of streptomycin may result in damage to the
64. Patient complaints of burning mouth. On examination tongue was red ,bald and filiform papillae were absent. Patient also provide history of long term antibiotic use. What is probable etiology
65. zygomatic arch fractures are best seen in
66. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is inherited as
67. Which of these structures hinders in imaging the root of maxillary molars
68. Which of the following is not responsible for the endogenous staining of teeth during development
69. Koebner phenomenon is seen in
70. A 40 year old male got a blow to angle of mandible but remained asymptomatic.Radiographic examination shows a radioopaque line in the concerned area with a sharp undercut at the lower border of mandible.It may be
71. Which of the following anti inflammatory drug is a COX 2 inhibitor
72. Which one of the following enzymes provides a link between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle
73. Mc gregor and trapnell lines are seen on a
74. Maxillary sinus is seen in
75. Penicillin induced hypersensitivity is:
76. 28 yrs old female on oral contraceptives was given tetracycline for treatment of chronic periodontitis by a dentist. After 2 months she became preganant.What is the reason of contraceptive failure?
77. in a patient with cerebral palsy all are seen except
78. Fructose 2-6 biphosphate is
79. "Fleur de lys" term is used for
80. Drug resistance in the mycobacterium tuberculosis to isoniazid is seen due to which of the following:
81. The term applied to a low white blood cell count is
82. A pleomorphic adenoma is characterized by
83. Transport proteins are
84. Orange sweat is seen in
85. A periapical image shows overlapped contacts. This error is caused by
86. A patient suffering from AIDS is on ziduvudine,Lamivudine and indinavir therapy.He develops pulmonary tuberculosis for which treatment is started.Which of the follwing should be avoided in him
87. The common precursor of all three aromatic amino acids is
88. syndrome associated with lip pits and cleft lip/palate
89. all of the following form radiolucent stones except
90. Prolonged carbohydrate deficiency leads to
91. Maximum cupping artifact is seen in
92. All are true about Reye's syndrome except
93. Which of the following antitubercular drugs is associated with hypothyroidism
94. A patient comes to office with generalised oral ulcerations and fever after using a new tooth paste last night.On microscopic examination the buccal mucosa shows microabcess formation,exudates and intensive neytrophilic infiltration.Treatment of choice is
95. Digital x-rays require less radiation than conventional x-rays because:
96. True statement regarding development of drug resistance in MRSA is
97. which is the best method to reduce radiation exposure to patient during a full mouth series
98. Foreshorting where the teeth appear too short is caused by:
99. True about orphan drug is
100. Lactate is formed in all except
101. A lady taking warfarin ,which drug is contraindicated
102. X ray equipment is cleaned /disinfected with
103. which of the following views is useful in viewing a stone in the submandibular gland
104. Maltose is a
105. which one of the following is used to show base of skull,sphenoid sinus,position and orientation of the condyles and fractures of zygomatic arch
106. ketones cannot be utilised by
107. Post dural (spinal) puncture headache is due to
108. ehler danlos syndrome is
109. campbell lines are seen in which radiographic projection
110. which layer of epithelium of oral mucous membrane is more sensitive to radiation
111. A patient without prior medication breathes a gas mixture consisting of 50% N2O and 50% O2 by volume .Which of the following effects would be expected
112. In pregnancy, all of the following drugs are contraindicated except
113. On a radiograph the facial root of a maxillary first premolar would appear distal to the lingual root if the
114. In a patient with angular chelitis,the biologic examination of a smear from the lesion would most probably reveal
115. Methicillin resistant staphylococci do not respond to ?-lactam antibiotics because
116. which of the following is seen in association with membrane raft
117. Deterministic effects ____.
118. Which of the following serves as a principal source of carbon for nonessential amino acids
119. Intranuclear viral inclusions are seen in tissue specimens of which of the following?
120. Main disadvantage of opioid analgesic:
121. A 36 year old female had swelling of mandible in lower right molar
122. Youngs formula for a child dose of a drug is calculated on the basis of
123. Most lipogenic carbohydrate is
124. which of the following is the least radiosensitive tissues
125. nikolsky sign is not seen in
126. Extended Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR TB) is classified as resistance to:
127. Mechanism of action of aspirin in MI is
128. The glucose transporter which is stimulated by insulin is located in
129. A 5 year old child developed a fibrous verrucous growth on the lower lip which was non mobile,pedunculated,hyperkeratotic and exophytic.The histologic examination showed finger like projections of epithelium running deep into the connective tissue.The xamination of the hands of the child revealed papillomatous growth on his left thumb which was larger than the right thumb.What could be the probable diagnosis
130. Laudanosine is a metabolite of
131. In case of nasal fracture the following radiograph is used
132. Which of the following action is ascribed to Delta type of opiod receptors
133. for glucose estimation in blood the mode of transport from a PHC to lab is
134. type of collagen present in hyaline cartilage is
135. Alkaptonuria an inherited metabolic disorder is due to defiiciency of
136. ossifying fibroma manifest as
137. The image of the coronoid process of the mandible often appears in periapical x-rays of
138. Alpha helix and beta pleated sheet are examples of
139. True regarding selective COX-2 inhibitors compared to nonselective NSAIDS is:
140. The unit for measuring the absorption of x-rays is called:
141. all of the following is true about the dark room safe lighting except
142. True about aminoglycoside is all except
143. Allosteric inhibitors of TCA Cycle are all except
144. A differential diagnosis for gingival hyperplasia should include which of area.It was diagnosed as ameloblastoma.histopathological picture will show the following conditions?
145. When collecting oral tissues by scraping for diagnosis of oral cancer,all of the following are considered true except
146. The most common site for necrotizing sialometaplasia is
147. An abnormal decrease in the flow of saliva is
148. Lead apron protects
149. Amphotericin B is used in treatment of all except
150. which type of radiation effect results in radiation induced thyroid cancer
151. The drug which causes intrinsic staining of teeth due to calcium chelation is
152. Elongation (the most common error) can be caused by
153. Red man syndrome is due to
154. digital radiography differs from conventional in
155. replacing alanine by which amino acid will increase UV absorption of protein at 280um wavelength
156. hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine requires
157. Acrodermatitis enteropathica is a multi-organ failure due to deficiency of
158. chymotrypsinogen is a
159. Shortest acting opioid is
160. A patient complaints of multiple episodes of blood stained vomits .On examination, he has a saddle nose and typical strawberry gingivitis. what is the probable diagnosis?
161. A large encapsulated fluid-filled tumour is removed from the hard palate. The most appropriate method of determining the nature of this lesion is to
162. all of the following are true regarding oxygenases except
163. Cobble stone appearance of oral mucosa
164. a dentist is using a film badge service to measure his radiation exposure.the report from the film badge service indicates that the badge was exposed to 475 millirems in the previous month the dentist should
165. Rate limiting step in HMP shunt
166. Which drug causes least hepatic failure:
167. Most common site for keratocanthoma is
168. The term ALARA refers to
169. Which projection is best for examining zygomatic arch fractures?
170. Which of the following drugs is most likely to be effective against multi-drug resistant strains of M.tuberculosis ,including those resistant to streptomycin
171. occlusal radiograph are useful in locating
172. One of the following is not an antifungal agent
173. half value layer refers to
174. shell teeth are associated with
175. Main enzyme involved in synthesis of GABA
176. Co-factor for phosphofructokinase is
177. "Classical phenyl ketonuria" is caused by deficiency of
178. Which of the following has a non odontogenic origin
179. Phase IV clinical trial also called as
180. Which of the following statements is not true regarding sulphonamides
181. the x ray beam is filtered to
182. All are antiplatelet drugs except
183. Rancid butter smelling of urine is seen in
184. Air on aspiration is seen in
185. Cyst derived from stellate reticulum and grows in place of the affected tooth is called
186. Liesegang rings in Pindborg tumor when stained by Congo red and examined under polarised light appear
187. The purpose and use of the panaromic image include all of the following except one. Which one is the exception
188. which of the following is used to detect the chromosomal differences between neoplastic cells and their normal counterparts
189. The primary role of chaperons is to help in
190. all of the following is true except
191. Why citric acid cycle called amphibolic pathway
192. Sharpness of image is increased by
193. The ratio of median lethal dose to median effective dose is the
194. Dissociative anesthesia is caused by
195. all are tumor suppressor genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma except
196. Periapical cyst can be differentiated from periapical granuloma by
197. Cabbage-like odour is seen in
198. Best radiograph to view fracture of condyle is
199. Which of the following is not a true cyst:
200. Which of the following is not a technique for protein precipitation