1. Both intranulear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses Hepatitis B virus HIV Pox Virus Measles virus 2. Proximal convoluted tubule have which type of aquaporins Aquaporin 9 Aquaporin 5 Aquaporin 2 Aquaporin 1 3. If a person is having ventricular tachycardia,extra systoles appears in P wave R wave QRS complex T wave 4. Cardiovascular effects seen in AIDS are all except Recurrent arterial embolism Pericardial tamponade Aortic aneurysm CHF 5. The cells which have the capacity to multiply throughout their Life Stable cells None of the above Labile cells Permanent cells 6. A child on administration of Penicillin developed fever, rashes, urticaria and swelling. It is due to: Immune complex cytotoxicity Delayed hypersensivity Ig E mediated hypersensitivity Ig G mediated hypersensitivity 7. Effector region of immunoglobulin is Constant region of light and heavy chain Variable region of light and heavy chain Variable region of heavy chain Constant region of heavy chain 8. Which of the following enzyme is required to induce the formation of a plasma clot by pathogenic staphylococci Coagulase S-protein Fibrinolystin Lysozymet 9. During management of ventricular fibrillation , what is true about use of vasopressin Never used First line drug of choice Use every 3 minutes Used with adrenaline 10. Gram -ve bacteria stain during gram staining: Red color Green Colorless Blue color 11. mean circulatory filling ressure is mean arterial pressure arterial pressure taken at the point when heart stops beating diff between central venous pressure and central arterial pressure difference between systemic and pulmonary arterial pressure 12. Which of the following situations will lead to increased viscosity of blood multiple myeloma Hypoglycemia Fasting state amyloidogenesis 13. Sterilization cycle uses: 121 degrees Celsius, 15 psi, 15 min 170 degrees Celsius, 25 psi, 10 min 180 degrees Celsius, 15 psi, 15 min 160 degrees Celsius, 20 psi, 15 minutes 14. Which of the following regions of the nephron is capable of the greatest level of glucose reabsorption? Distal convoluted tubule Collecting duct Proximal convoluted tubule Thick ascending limb of loop of henle 15. which of the following is the active form of calcium in circulation protein bound calcium phosphate bound calcium ionized calcium albumin bound calcium 16. Effusion in TB is characterized by: Few cells, Effusion LDH/Serum LDH= < 0.6 Protein >3 gm/dL High glucose 17. Malignant epithelial cells have an increased number and wider distribution of which of the following receptors Complement IL-1 Histamine Laminin 18. Phage conversion is required for: Gonorrhoea Tularemia All of the above Diphtheria 19. A patient in emergency with symptoms of tachycardia bronchodilation increased temperature and constipation .He may be suffering from poisoning with Mushroom Penicillamine Organophosphorus Atropine 20. Bile acids consist of all except Deoxycholic add Chendeoxycholic acid Taurocholic acid Lithocholic acid 21. Vagal stimulation of the heart causes decrease in heart rate by Decrease conduction Decrease in action potential spike Decrease in slope of prepotential Increase in repolarisation 22. bile acid pool circulates 4 times per meal 8 times per day twice between meals 10 times per day on fasting 23. Most important factor in transport across a membrane Charge of particle Size of particle Concentration gradient membrane thickness 24. All of the following statements about staphylococcus aureus are true except Methicillin resistance is chromosomally mediated Epidermolysin and TSS toxin are superantigen bout 30% of general population is healthy nasal carriers Most common source of infection is cross infection from infected people 25. Which type of necrosis listed below is the basic and most common type? Coagulative necrosis Gangrenous necrosis Gaseous necrosis Liquefactive necrosis 26. H. pylori infection is seen in all except: Gastric carcinoma Duodenal ulcer Fundal gastritis Gastric lymphoma 27. Not true of obstructive sleep apnea Nocturnal asphyxia Alcoholism is a cofactor Prone to hypertension Spirometry is diagnostic 28. Which of the following procoagulant proteins binds to tissue factor exposed beneath the endothelium of traumatized blood vessels and initiates the clotting cascade? Factor V Factor X Fibrinogen Factor VII 29. A 39-year old female presents with fever. The blood culture from the patient grows gram positive small to medium coccobacilli that are pleomorphic occurring in short chains. Direct wet mount from the culture shows tumbling motility. The most likely organism is Corynebacterium species Enterococcus species Listeria monocytogenes Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 30. Causative organism for native valve infective endocarditis: Staph aureus Gram negative organisms E. CoIi Hemophilus 31. Virchow’s triad consists of all except: Hypercoagulability Vascular stasis Platelet plug Endothelial injury 32. First released Immunoglobulin after primary immunization IgG IgD IgE IgM 33. All of the following drugs are used in pituitary adenoma except Orlistat Letrozol Octreotide Bromocryptine 34. normal anion gap is (in mEq/l) 10 to 12 25 to 30 18 to 20 3 to 5 35. Which of the following is decreased as a result of hyperventilation? Cerebral blood flow Arterial oxygen tension (PO2) Arterial pH Arterial oxygen content 36. The following hepatitis virus is transmitted by faeco-oral route: except Hepatitis B Virus Hepatitis D Virus Hepatitis E Virus Hepatitis C Virus 37. The most important parameter to monitor Dengue haemorrhagic fever is Total leucocyte count Platelet count Haematocrit Haemoglobin 38. All of the following are possible causes of tetany, except: Hyperventilation Hypoparathyroidism Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency) Hypertension 39. In classification of Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), a severe case is defined as when the number of episodes of apnoea during sleep exceed 25 / hour >30/ hour 15 / hour 10/ hour 40. A 60 years old patient having cardiorespiratory arrest in hospital ward, for oxygenation what should be done immediately? Cricothyroid membrane puncture Oral intubation Nasal intubation Tracheostomy 41. during diastole the arterial pressure is maintained by constriction of capillaries contraction of left ventricle elastic recoil of aorta musculature of arteries 42. Decreased basal metabolic rate is seen in: Feeding Obesity Exercise Hyperthyrodism 43. In a pregnant woman, which of the following vaccines is not indicated MMR DPT Rabies Hepatitis B 44. First sensation to be lost in leprosy Pain Touch Pressure Temperature 45. Bone lytic lesions along with increase in B-cells derived from hyperplastic bone marrow are seen in: Hodgkins lymphoma Plasmacytoma Thallasemia Multiple myeloma 46. Filgrastim is used for treatment of Anemia Polycythemia Neutrophenia Neutropenia 47. nitrogen narcosis is caused due to decrease in oxygen free radicals nitrogen inhibits dismutase enzyme increase production of nitrous oxide increase solubility of nitrogen in nerve cell membrane 48. Which of the following bone malignancies is most fatal: Giant cell tumor Multiple myelorna Osteosarcoma Pagets disease 49. Kolmer test is a screening test done for Syphilis Tuberculosis Gonorrhea Lymphoma 50. Function of myenteric plexus is to regulate Local blood flow All of the above GI secretion Motility 51. Multiple drug resistance of bacteria depends on which of the following: All of above Resistance transfer factor (RTF) Fertility factor (F +) Colicigenic factor (Col) 52. All of the following are formed via the cyclooxygenase pathway, except: Leukotrienes Prostaglandins Prostacyclin Thromboxanes 53. intrinsic factor of castle is secreted by which of the following cells in gastric glands chief cells enterochromaffin cells parietal cells B cells 54. All of the following clinical features are associated with enteroviruses Myocarditis Pleurodynia Herpangina Hemorrhagic fever 55. Cross beta-pleated sheet structure in amyloidosis is determined by: Electron microscopy Light microscopy X-ray crystallography Polarized microscopy 56. Windkessel effect in large arteries perform what function Maintain intravascular volume Prevent fluctuation in BP Exchange of respiratory gases provide peripheral resistance 57. all are second messengers ecept cAMP guanyl cyclise DAG IP3 58. Organism most resistant to sterilization: Prions Spores Mycobacteria Fungus 59. Granuloma is characterized by all of the following except: A specific type of chronic inflammation A reaction of acute inflammation Initiated by a number of infectious and non infectious agents Accumulation of modified macrophages 60. All of the following are characteristic of an exudate, except: Glucose-poor Cell-rich Protein-rich Low specific gravity 61. In a 70 kg adult, the fasting blood sugar level is 180 mg/100m1. This is indicative of Ketoacidosis Hyperglycemia Ketosis Hypoglycemia 62. which of the following statements is true descending limb of loop of henle is permeable to solutes fluid coming from the descending limb of loop of henle is hypotonic if clearance of substance is greater than GFR then tubular secretion must be present clearance of a substance is always more than GFR if there is tubular secretion 63. Which of the following controls the salivary secretion? Parasympathetic nervous system Secretin CCK Gastrin 64. All are true regarding Donavanosis except: Endemic in tropical areas The causative organism is Calymmatobacter granulomatis Syphilis can occur concomitant with it Causes painful ulcerative genital lesions 65. Complement binding Immunoglobin via the classical pathway is – IgD & IgE IgG & IgD IgG & IgM IgG & IgA 66. Differential leucocyte count is used for diagnosis of: Eosinophilia Leukocytosis Anemia Leukopenia 67. Which of the following is likely to be decreased in a patient with severe anemia (Hb less than 7 g/dL)? Arterial O2 content Arterial PO2 Arterial O2 saturation Cardiac output 68. why fetal cells continue to divide but terminally differentiated adult cells do not divide absence of CD kinase there are many cyclin inhibitors which prevent cell from entering into S phase in adults phosphatase is absent in fetal cells proteinase is absent in fetus 69. Blood agar is Enriched media Differential media Transport media Simple media 70. In body plethysmography,a person is asked to expire against a closed glottis. What will be the change in the pressure in the lung and the box Increase in lung, decrease in box Increase in both Decrease in both Decrease in lung, increase in box 71. Bacteria used in probiotics is All Diphtheria Bifidobacterium E. Coli 72. Which valve is most affected by rheumatic fever Pulmonary valve Tricuspid valve Mitral valve Aortic valve 73. Malignant tumour that shows periosteal reaction: Garre’s osteomyelitis Ewing’s sarcoma Osteoclastoma Osteosarcoma 74. Rapid correction of severe hyperglycemia only by insulin causes: Hypernatremia Hyponatremia Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia 75. Best test for mycoplasma infection is PCR of respiratory secretions gram stain of transtracheal aspirate Culture of transtracheal aspirate CXR 76. Half-Life of free HIV in plasma is: 24 hours 6 hours 3 months 12 hours 77. Hockey stick appearance in echocardiography is a feature of Aortic regurgitation Aortic stenosis Mitral stenosis Mitral incompetence 78. Most common structure compressed by aneurysm of posterior communicating artery in the circle of Willis hypophysis cerebri trochlear nerve oculomotor nerve optic nerve 79. Drug of choice in neonatal seizures Pentobarbital Topiramate Phenobarbitone Phenytoin 80. Release of neurotransmitter from presynaptic vesicles is an example of Exocytosis Facilitated diffusion Active transport Simple diffusion 81. Treatment of asymptomatic bradycardia is Isoprenaline Cardiac pacing No treatment is required Give atropine 82. The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle Is Transformation Conjugation Lysogeny Translation 83. carbon monoxide transfusion in lungs is diffusion limited as diffusion of CO across blood barrier is slow carboxy hemoglobin has high avidity base of lung is poorly ventilated pCO2 rises in blood immediately on exposure 84. Doppler ultrasound, all are true except? Provide information about blood velocity Direction of blood flow Monophasic tracing measure normal flow Degree of stenosis 85. Jaundice refers to yellow discoloration of the skin, sclera, and tissues caused by: Hypercaicemia Hyperglycemia Hyperbilirubinemia Hyperlipidemia 86. Incorrect about Lafora’s disease Treatment with glucocerebrosidase infusions Autosomal recessive Diagnosis by DNA sequencing Myoclonus 87. Episodic generalized weakness is related to all except: Hypocalcemia Hypophosphatemia Hyponatremia Hypokalemia 88. Which of the following does not occur as the blood passes through systemic capillaries Shift of haemoglobin dissociation curve to left increased protein content Decreased pH Increased hematocrit 89. an important non respiratory function of lungs is sodium balance anion balance calcium balance potassium balace 90. Causative organism for gas gangrene E. Coli Clostridium tetani Clostridium welchii Strep. Faecalis 91. Acute infection causes: Leucocytosis Monocytosis Neutropenia Leucopenia 92. Platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction caused by: PGI2 PGD2 Thromboxane A2 Leukotriene B4 93. You have to draw blood from a patient. When will you give EDTA? Through I.V. route before drawing blood EDTA is not an anticoagulant Orally starting several days before EDTA will be added in test tube 94. Which of the following would shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right? Decreased temperature Decreased pH Decreased PCO2 Carbon monoxide poisoning 95. The mechanism by which most fungi cause disease Exotoxin production Lecithinase production Hypersensitivity Coagulase production 96. in a normal person which of the following occurs when he becomes supine from a standing position cerebral blood flow increases there is an immediate increase in venous return heart rate increases and settles to a higher level decreased perfusion at the apex of lung 97. Hemophilia A is caused by defect of gene encoding: Factor 9 Factor 5 Factor 13 Factor 8 98. Characteristic feature of retiovirus is: DNA polymerase Restriction endonuclease Ribonuclease Reverse transcriptase 99. Psammoma bodies are found in Metastatic calcification Apoptosis Necrosis Dystrophic calcification 100. The following is true about malaria Plasmodium vivax can be detected by HRP-2 dipstick LDH card test quantitates the falciparum parasitaemia Plasmodium vivax causes enlargement of affected RBC Plasmodium falciparum can cause relapse 101. Insulin resistant DM: Juvenile onset All DM are sensitive to insulin Type I Type II 102. Kidney stones (renal calculi) are a common complication in a patient with which disorder listed below? Hypopituitarism Hyperparathyroidism Hyperthyroidism Diabetes mellitus 103. prion – true is contains DNA/RNA sensitive to most chemical sterilization evokes strong immunologic reaction have long incubation period 104. Which of the following conditions is least likely to present as an eccentric osteolytic lesion? Simple bone cyst Fibrous cortical defect Aneurismal bone cyst Giant cell tumor 105. Antigenieity is seen in: Golgi bodies Phospholipids Cardiolipin Nuclear membrane 106. Fluid of choice in infant diarrhoea Salt water Dextrose ORS Sugar water 107. Consider two patients with atherosclerosis, one is diabetic and other is non-diabetic. When compare to non-diabetic, diabetic patient has hundred times increased risk of Lower limb ischemia Stroke Myocardial infarction vertebro basilar insufficiency 108. Stain used for histologic demonstration of candida hyphae Carbol fuschin PAS Hematoxylin & Eosin Acridine orange 109. APGAR score is a quantitative method of assessing score of new born status based on Neurologic,renal and respiratory Neurologic,circulatory and renal Neurologic,digestive and respiratory Neurologic ,circulatory and respiratory 110. During normal diastole, which of the following is most important in preventing over- distension of the ventricles? Diaphragm Aortic valve Adjacent lungs Fibrous pericardium 111. All are true about Leptospirosis except: IgM is formed in 5 days Urine and faeces are main mode of transmission Penicillin G is drug of choice Latent period is 10 days 112. A decrease in which of the following parameters would tend to increase the glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure? Efferent arteriolar resistance Bowman’s capsular hydrostatic pressure Afferent arteriolar resistance Capillary filtration coefficient 113. Which of the following drug is not used for management of acute pulmonary oedema Phenylephrine Norepinephrine Dopamine Dobutamine 114. The following immunoglobulin is not known to fix complement IgA IgE IgM IgG 115. Role of bile salts Fatty acid degradation Emulsification of lipids Vit B12 absorption Formation of lipid bilayer 116. Generalized edema is known as: Anasarca Ascites Hydropericardium Hydrothorax 117. Chemoreceptors are located in which area Arch of aorta Bifurcation of carotid artery Medulla All of the above 118. Which stage of plasmodium vivax is infective for mosquito? Ookinete Trophozoite Sporozoite Gametocyte 119. Which one of the following clinical findings excludes the diagnosis of polymyositis Abdominal muscle involvement Extraocular muscle involvement Dysphagia Neck muscle involvement 120. Techoic acid is present in Cytoplasm of Gram positive organisms Cell wall of Gram positive organisms Cell wall of Gram negative organisms Cytoplasm of Gram negative organisms 121. Nitrogen washout method is used for estimating Dead space volume Functional residual capacity Diffusion capacity Tidal volume 122. Carbon dioxide is transported in blood by a variety of mechanisms.Which of the following is quantitatively the most important method for transporting CO2? As sodium bicarbonate in serum As CO2 in gas bubbles As carbaminohemoglobin As CO2 in physical solution 123. Which of the following is true about streptococcus pneumoniae: Gram +ve Lanceolate diplococci Extracellular grain -ve diplococcic Gram -ve diplococcic Gram +ve coccobacilli 124. Which of the following is a true statement? Gram negative bacteria appear .red in Gram staining Gomori- Methanamine silver stains the fungus Pneumocystis jiroveci green Calcalour white stains acanthamoeba red grain positive bacteria appear black 125. Which is not seen in Cushing’ syndrome: Poor wound healing Hypoglycemia Osteoporosis Hypertension 126. somatomedian mediates deposition of chondroitin sulphate lipolysis gluconeogenesis decreased rate of glucose uptake by cells 127. A nursing staff while putting IV line to a seriously ill patient of HIV accidentally got a needlestick injury. Which of the following investigation will be most appropriate for her ELISA test P24 antigen capture assay Western blot Blood culture 128. Component of tubercle bacilli which produces granuloma is Sulfatide Surface glycolipids Hetero polysaccharide Sulfadase 129. Golf ball inclusion bodies in RBC are seen in HbH disease Normal reticulocytes G6PD deficiency pernicious anemia 130. GFR measurement help in determining Blood volume Recovery from shock Stage of kidney disease Heart rate 131. Peripheral nerve regenerates at the rate of mm per day 0.5 5 1 2 132. life span of RBC is 100 days 1 year 3 years 14 days 133. Cerebral perfusion pressure is Arterial pressue x venous pressure Arterial pressure minus intracranial pressure Arterial pressure minus peripheral venous pressure Venous pressure minus arterial pressure 134. All of the following statements are true regarding reversible cell injury, except – Formation of amorphous densities in the mitochondrial matrix. Detachment of ribosomes from the granular endoplasmic reticulum. Diminished generation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Formation of blebs in the plasma membrane. 135. If diameter of a vessel is doubled Blood flow decreases sixteen fold Blood flow increases four fold Blood flow increases sixteen fold Blood flow decreases four fold 136. All of the following infections may be transmitted by dental instruments except Hepatitis E HIV Hepatitis B Hepatitis C 137. True about polio paralytic polio is most common Polio drops given only in less than 3 years Spastic paralysis is seen Increased muscular activity leads to increased paralysis 138. A 29 yrs old woman with a pregnancy of 17 week has a 10 years old boy with down syndrome. She does not want another down syndrome kid; best advice to her is Amniotic fluid samples plus chromosomal analysis will definitely tell her that next baby will be down syndromic or not Ultra sound at this point of time will definitely tell her that next baby will be down syndromic or not blood screening at this point of time will clear the exact picture No test is required now as her age is below 35 years 139. Nephrotic syndrome causes: Hypercalcemia Hypermagnesemia Hyperkalaemia Hypokalaemia 140. christmas disease occurs due to deficiency of factor XI factor X factor VIII factor IX 141. Most potent stimulator of naive T cells is: Follicular dendritic cells Epithelial cells Macrophage Immature dendritic cells 142. Eosinophils are characteristically seen in which of the following conditions? Fungal infections Parasitic infestations Viral infections Bacterial infections 143. If a creatinine clearance of 100 mL/min changes to 50 mL/min over 1 year, assuming that there has been no change in diet, which of the following physiologic changes can be expected? 2-fold decrease in blood urea nitrogen concentration A 2-fold increase in plasma creatinine concentration A 2-fold increase in creatinine excretion rate A 2-fold decrease in creatinine excretion rate 144. Antibiotic sensitivity and resistance of microorganisms is determined by Direct microscopy Culture DNA probe ELISA 145. Anaphylotoxins: Cause enhanced capillary permeability Produce inflammation All of the above Induce smooth muscle contraction 146. Each of the following is a risk factor in atherosclerosis EXCEPT one.Which one is this EXCEPTION? Alcoholism Diabetes mellitus Hypertension Heredity 147. The best way to sterilize an instrument soaked in AIDS virus is: Boiling for 1 hour Dip the instrument in glutaraldehyde Clean and autoclave with dry heat Moist autoclaving 148. Opacity around colonies of Clostridium perfringens is due to – Desmotase Theta toxin Cytokinin Lecithinase 149. Hematologic investigations of PT/INR are useful to detect defects in: lntrinsic and common pathway Extrinsic and common pathway Only intrinsic pathway Only extrinsic pathway 150. Ocular bobbing is seen in Pontine damage Medulla damage Cerebellum damage mid brain damage 151. Which of the following drugs used for diabetes melitis causes lactic acidosis Metformin Pioglitazone Phenphormin Glipizide 152. Wheel chair sign is seen in Parkinsonism Thomson disease Beckers dystrophy Duchenne muscular dystrophy 153. The most appropriate drug use for chelation therapy in beta thalassaemia major is Oral deferiprone Intramuscular EDTA Oral succimer oral desferrioxamine 154. A patient is admitted in casualty with signs of fever, lymphadenopathay etc. Investigations reveal infection by pseudomonas aeruginosa. Drug of choice includes Cefalexin Ceftriaxone Piperacillin + Tazobactam Doxycycline 155. Iron absorption takes place in which part of intestine jejunum Ileum Duodenum Colon 156. the sigmoid nature of Hb-O2 dissociation curve is because of alpha chain has more affinity for O2 than beta chain hemoglobin is acidic in nature binding of one O2 molecule increase the affinity for the next O2 molecule beta chain has more affinity for alpha chain 157. Largest reserve of energy in body stored as Muscle glycogen Liver glycogen Adipose tissue Blood glucose 158. Chymotrypsinogen is a Zymogen Elastase Transaminase Carboxypeptidase 159. Schwannoma of spinal nerve roots is seen in Turcot syndrome Neurofibromatosis 1 Neurofibromatosis 2 Li-Fraumeni syndrome 160. Urea breath test used for: Stomach Lung Kidney Liver 161. regarding transport of substances through the cell membrane all are true except glucose is transported via facilitated diffusion facilitated diffusion requires energy facilitated diffusion requires carrier protein active transport is an energy deriven process 162. Two particles have same diameter. The one which will pass easily through glomerular membrane has negative charge Charge has no relation Positive charge Any of the above 163. Nucleus in reticulocyte is: Fragmented Absent Compact Pyknotic 164. Anemia in a newborn can result from: Excessive destruction of red blood cells All of the above Excessive blood loss during delivery Impaired production of red blood cells 165. Cytokines are soluble proteins secreted by which of the following cells? Fibroblasts Lymphocytes Macrophages All of the above 166. Which of the following anti-diabetic drugs can be used safely in renal failure Canagliflozin Metformin Linagliptin Sitagliptin 167. Immunoglobulin crossing placenta is IgG IgD IgA IgM 168. which of the following enzyme is stable at acidic pH carboxypeptidase trypsin pepsin chymotripsin 169. Continuous murmur is seen in all of the following conditions except VSD with aortic regurgitation Coronary AV fistula Pulmonary AV fistula PDA 170. Extrahepatic cholestasis causes: increase bilirubin in both urine and serum Increased bilirubin in urine Increased urobilinogen in serum Increased urobilinogen in urine 171. IL-1 helps in: Stimulation of T-lymphocytes Inhibition of B-lymphocytes Decreases fibroblast and bone resorption activity Inhibits the chemotaxis of neutrophils and macrophages 172. rods and cones differ in all except acuity light sensitivity signal transduction wavelength 173. Which of the following is not used as disinfectant for skin preparation due to its irritation potential: Hexidine Alcohol Hypochlorite Hexachloropropane 174. in a healthy patient the spaces between the body contain air fibrous connective tissue loose connective tissue water 175. The exact part of the antigen that reacts with the immune system is called as Paratope Idiotope Epitope Clone 176. All of the following are potential pathogens of ororpharynx except: N. Meningitides H. influenzae Streptococcus pneumonia E.coli 177. Most common cause of Resistant hypertension is Renovascular disease Non compliance of patient Pheochromocytoma Obstructive sleep apnea 178. basal metabolic rate depends most closely on obesity body mass index body surface area lean body mass 179. Following is given with iron to increase its absorption Milk Antacids Citrus fruits Alkalies 180. Earliest marker of renal damage in a known case of diabetes mellitus is: Microalbuminuria Increase serum creatinine Increase serum urea Glycosuria 181. which of the following is absorbed in stomach salts fatty acids amino acids alcohols 182. Acromegaly is Excessive growth caused by the oversecretion of parathyroid hormone Excessive growth caused by the oversecretion of thyroid hormone Excessive growth caused by the oversecretion of epinephrine Excessive growth caused by the oversecretion of growth hormone 183. The single most important laboratory test for determining the virulence of staphylococci is Mannitol fermentation The catalase test Hemolysis of sheep erythrocytes Detection of coagulase 184. Tachycardia, nervousness, intolerance to heat and exophthalmos are seen in Hypoparathyroidism Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Hyperparathyroidism 185. Decreased basal metabolic rate is seen in: Obesity Feeding Exercise Hyperthyrodism 186. Which of the following coagulation factors causes cross linking and stabilisation of clot factor XIII Thrombin Factor IX Factor VIII 187. In uncompensated diabetic ketoacidosis HCO3 decreases pH of blood>7.35 Ratio of pCO2 to HCO3 decreases pCO2 increases 188. Under normal conditions, the main drive for respiration is the arterial pH acting through peripheral chemoreceptors arterial pH acting through central chemoreceptors arterial PCO2 acting through peripheral chemoreceptors arterial PCO2 acting through central chemoreceptors 189. Fungus affecting reticular endothelial system Mucormycosis Histioplasma capsulatum Rhizopus Cryptococcus neoformans 190. Blood transfusion associated acute lung injury occurs due to HLA mediated Genetic susceptibily Nosocomial infections Auto immune disorder 191. Best method of sterilizing disposable syringes: Gamma rays Hot air oven UV rays Boiling 192. Which of the following is not true about from a transfusion related acute lung injury High mortality rate of 10 percent Resolves in 2-3 weeks Supportive care is mainstay of treatment No role of steroids 193. The blood from an 8-year-old boy was analyzed by flow cytometry. The exact number of B cells was counted. Which of the following cell surface markers was likely used to identify the B cells in this blood sample? CD3 CD4 CD19 CD8 194. NK CELL acts on viruses because Non Expression of MHC I on cell surface receptor Expression of MHC II on cell surface receptor Expression of MHC I on cell surface receptor NON Expression of MHC II on cell surface receptor 195. Sunlight has sterilizing effect because: It has long wavelength Ozone is present in the environment It has short wavelength Heat is present 196. Salivary amylase is activated by Na+ HCO3 Cl K+ 197. Immunoglobin, which is produced first by the fetus in response to Infection IgA IgD IgG IgM 198. maximum water reabsorption in the GIT occurs in jejunum ileum colon stomach 199. Blood pressure is difficult to measure in a patient with Atrial fibrillation Mitral stenosis Aortic stenosis Complete heart block 200. Mid systolic click is classically heard in Mitral valve prolapsed Congenital Mitral stenosis Rheumatic aortic regurgitation Hamman-rich syndrome 201. Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults: Minimal change disease Focal segmental glomerulonephritis Diffuse glomerulonephritis Membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis 202. all of the following antibacterial proteins are secreted from primary granules except lysozyme bacterial permeability increasing proteins lactoferrin defensins 203. Endotoxic shock is initiated by Peripheral vasodilatation inadequate blood voumes failure of myocardial pump injury to endothelial cells 204. Rothera’s test is used to detect: Ketone bodies Protein Carbohydrate Fat 205. An increase in the size of an organ or tissue due to an increase in the size of cells is known as: Aplasia Atrophy Hyperplasia Hypertrophy 206. A protoplast is best described as a bacterial cell Free of cell wall and capsule Containing a cell wall and a capsule Uniquely sensitive to penicillin With a cell wall but free of capsule 207. iron in hemoglobin is in ferric form complex form free form ferrous form 208. interference with oxygen exchange in lungs is a type of anoxic anoxia hypoxic hyoxia anoxemia histotoxic hypoxia 209. maximum potassium ions secretion is seen in gastric secretion saliva colonic secretions jejunal secretion 210. Most important step in management of acute diarrhea: Give motility reducing agents like bismuth Antibiotic therapy Give antimotility drugs like loperamide Fluid replacement 211. Tumor lysis syndrome is characterized by all except: Hyperkalemia Hyperphosphatemia Hypercalcemia Hyperuricemia 212. Angiotensin II causes all of the following, except Aldosterone secretion Stimulation of thirst Increased ADH secretion Vasodilatation 213. Tuberculin test screens for Cell mediated immunity Humoral immunity Phagocyte dysfunction Complement function 214. Streptococcus mutans can be distinguished from other streptococci by Fermentation of mannitol and sorbitol Hemolysis on blood agar Production of extracellular polysaccharides Optochin sensitivity 215. Which of these is true about antibodies: IgE mediated delayed hypersensitivity Secretory part of IgA is synthesized by plasma cells IgM is an acute phase reactant IgM is seen in secondary response 216. The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the left under which of the following circumstances? Carbon monoxide poisoning Increased temperature Increased 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) D. Increased PCO2 Decreased pH 217. ST segment of ECG corresponds to Atrial depolarisation Ventricular depolarization AV conduction Ventricular repolarisation 218. Acute infection causes: Neutropenia Leucopenia Monocytosis Leucocytosis 219. Purkinje fibres are Modified smooth muscle Fibrous tissue Modified nerve fibres Modified cardiac muscle 220. Pneumococcus can be differentiated from streptococcus by Bile solubility Gram staining Type of hemolysis Growth characteristics 221. which of the following is not a primary taste sour bitter chilli sweet 222. Phagocytosis enhanced by coating the surface of antigen is called Decoding CFT Chemotaxis Opsonisation 223. decreased basal metabolic rate is seen in obesity exercise hyperthyroidism feeding 224. Not essential for brain death loss of brain stem function loss of deep tendon reflex Negative apnea test loss of pupillary reflex 225. vit K dependent clotting factors are 7,9,10 3,10,12 3,6,8 2,7,9,10 226. Ulthoff sign is seen in: Cerebral palsy Alzheimer’s disease Multiple sclerosis Parkinsonism 227. which of the following is not involved in intrinsic pathway factor IX factor VII factorXI factor XII 228. physiolgical response to smoking are all except decreased HDL increased heart rate and increased catecholemine release increased hematocrit decreased carboxyhemoglobin 229. The oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve is sigmoid because Oxygen affinity of haemoglobin decreases when the pH of blood falls Binding of one oxygen molecule increases the affinity of binding other O2 molecules Binding of oxygen to hemoglobin reduces the affinity of Hb for CO2 Binding of one oxygen molecule decrease the affinity of binding other O2 molecules 230. Branchial cyst opens most commonly in which area: Behind palatopbaryngeal arch Opposite 3rd molar Tonsillar fossa Opposite 2nd molar 231. Which of the following is not seen in secondary adrenal insufficiency Lassitude Hypoglycemia Postural hypertension Pigmentation 232. In poorly controlled Type I diabetes, most common infection is: Cryptococcus Mucormycosis Histoplasmosis Rhinosporidiasis 233. Investigation of choice to diagnose epilepsy MRI EEG Angiogram CT Scan 234. Difference in transudate and exudate is that the former has a: High protein Low protein Increased specific gravity Cloudy appearance 235. Actinomycetes is Fungus ram positive bacteria A yeast like form Gram negative bacteria 236. maximum phosphate is reabsorbed in PCT DCT Collecting duct Loop of henle 237. False about Staphylococcus lugdunensis Does not produce coagulase Skin commensal Susceptible to antimicrobial Causes infection of native valve 238. Percentage of Total body water to total body weight at birth is 60 percentage 80 percentage 90 percentage 50 percentage 239. Diabetes mellitus affects all except: Lung Heart Brain Kidney 240. normal pH of stomach is 4 to 5 7 to 7.2 11 to 12 8 to 9 Loading …