1. The carotid artery may be palpated at the Transverse process of C6 Hyoid bone Transverse process of C5 Thyroid cartilage 2. Which of the following muscles is supplied by mandibular nerve? Posterior belly of digastric Buccinator Stapedius Tensor veli palatine 3. Fix plating for the mandibular body fracture: Between upper and lower border At upper border At lower border One at upper and one at lower border 4. Nerve supply to musculature of tongue is: Vagus Facial Glossopharyngeal Hypoglossal 5. An endosseous dental implant has between the bone and implant a: Periodontal ligament Epithelial ligament A bone-implant interface Peri-implant ligament 6. In pediatric fracture of the body of mandible which of the following is true of fracture line? Straight line from above downwards Downward & forwards Zigzag line due to presence of tooth buds Downwards & backwards 7. A cross-match is performed by incubating Donor lymphocytes with recipient lymphocytes Recipient serum with a known panel of multiple donor lymphocytes Donor lymphocytes with recipient serum and complement Donor serum with recipient lymphocytes and complement 8. The virus associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma is Epstein Bar Hepatitis Herpes virus Cytomegalo virus 9. Your 60-year-old patient presents with congestive heart failure. They note cardiac symptoms with mild activity but are asymptomatic at rest. What is the functional classification of heart failure in your patient? Class IV Class II Class I Class III 10. Life span of a normal and a transfused platelet is 10 and 21 days respectively 21 days for both 21 and 10 days respectively 10 days for both 11. Out of various techniques used for treatment of mandible angle fracture, most complications are seen with Champy’s plating 2 AO plates Reconstruction plating IMF 12. A person with ‘Inappropriate speech’ evaluated by the ‘Glasgow Coma Scale’ will have a verbal score of: 1 4 2 3 13. Preferred material for femoro popliteal bypass Dacron Saphenous vein PIFE Gortex 14. Ansa cervicalis supplies all, except Sterno-hyoid Two bellies of Omo-hyoid Thyro-hyoid Sterno-thyroid 15. Which of the following is not done as a investigation in osteosarcoma? X-ray chest Bone scan MRI femur Bone marrow biopsy 16. When a mandibular fracture is transferred to an emergency room, under what is mandibular fracture treated? Primary survey Resuscitation room Primary Survey with IMF Secondary survey 17. Superomedial wall of suboccipital triangle: Posterior arch atlas Rectus capitis muscle Superior Oblique muscle Anterior arch atlas 18. Which of the following substances is filled in the bone cavity after enucleation of a cyst Allogenic bone chips Hydroxyapatite Autogenous cortical bone chips Autogenous medullary bone chips 19. Each of the following is TRUE regarding the lacrimal gland EXCEPT preganglionic fibers to the lacrimal gland are carried via greater petrosal nerve. the lacrimal gland is mucous secreting. preganglionic fibers synapse at the pterygopalatine ganglion. it receives postganglionic parasympathetic fibers via the lacrimal nerve. 20. Minimum score in glasgow coma scale: 1 2 0 3 21. Pregangrene is the combination of all except Color changes Anesthesia Rest pain Edema 22. Not True about oropharyngeal pack during surgery under general anesthesia: Should be given after induction of anesthesia It prevents blood aspiration into trachea Given when pt is awake Should be removed after cessation of anesthesia 23. Speech problems in cleft palate patients are due to Lisping of tongue Inability of soft palate to stop air to go into nasopharynx Inability of learning process All of the above 24. A patient with head injury opens eyes to painful stimulus, uses inappropriate words, and localizes pain. What is his GCS score? 8 14 10 12 25. Internal TMJ derangement is diagnosed by: Non invasive method Invasive method Cannot be diagnosed Needs surgical therapy only 26. In Cerebral concussion the pupils are: Constricted and reacting to light Dilated and not reacting to light Constricted and not reacting to light Dilated and reacting to light 27. Advantages of full thickness skin graft over split thickness graft are all except Less chances of injury after healing Less contraction Better color matching Large surface area can be covered 28. Which of the following is not true about increased intracranial pressure Nausea / vomiting Somnolence Headache Muscle twitching 29. In skin, which of the following is true: Epidermis provides support for cutaneous vessels. Keratinocytes account for 50% of all the epithelial cells. Keratinocytes provide protection against UV rays. Apocrine glands are found in axilla and groin 30. How long should one wait before obtaining a biopsy of an oral ulcer? 30 days 4 days 7 days 14 days 31. Which is not true of carbuncle Caused by staphylococcus Caused by streptococcus Infective gangrene of subcutaneous tissue Diabetics are more prone 32. Submandibular gland is separated from sublingual gland via Geniohyoid Submandibular duct Fibres of mylohyoid muscle genioglossus 33. A patient after road traffic accident presents with respiratory distress, hypotension and dilated bulging neck veins. On examination absent breath sounds and contralateral tracheal shift is found. What would be the first line of management CT scan Immediate chest x ray Insert wide bore needle in the 2nd intercostal space Emergency thoracotomy 34. Which of the following structures contacts posteriorly with the isthmus of the thyroid gland? Larynx Trachea Esophagus Pharynx 35. Which of the following is not a branch of facial artery: Inferior alveolar Inferior labial Superior labial Lateral nasal 36. Bifocal distraction is: 0.2mm activation twice a day Distraction done simultaneously in 2 planes 2 opposite segments are shifted in the void space Single segment is shifted into the void space 37. All of the following muscles are grouped together as “muscles of mastication” except Masseter Temporalis Buccinator Pterygoids 38. Which of the following is not a branch of third part of maxillary artery Infraorbital Lesser palatine Sphenopalatine Supraorbital artery 39. All of the following statements are true for metaphysis of bone except : Growth actvity is maximum here It is region favouring hematogenous spread of infection It is most vascular part of bone It is strongest part of bone 40. Delayed wound healing is seen in all except Hypertension Infection Diabetes Malignancy 41. The sequence of symptoms in pulmonary embolism is Fever, pain, dyspnoea Dyspnoea, pain, haemoptysis Fever, dyspnoea Dyspnoea, cough, purulent sputum 42. Cubital tunnel syndrome occurs due to compression of which structure: Median nerve Branchial artery Radial nerve Ulnar nerve 43. Which of the following is a distinguishing feature between syncope and toxicity of xylocaine hydrochloride? Decreased blood pressure Unconsciousness Convulsions Decreased pulse rate 44. A 5 year old child spills boiling water accidentally over her face and trunk. Which of the following methods is the most accurate to estimate the body surface area involved in burns? Berkow tables Lund and Browder chart Rule of Nine Rule of Palm 45. Patient with severe systemic disturbance, not fully capacitating come under which ASA act ASA II ASA I ASA III ASA IV 46. The muscle which is resected in Classical Radical Neck dissection is? Sternothyroid Sternocricoid Sternohyoid Sternomastoid 47. Which component of the TMJ has the most vasculature and innervation? Articular eminence Posterior band of the articular disc Retrodiscal tissue Anterior band of the articular disc 48. ln a condylar fracture and bone plate synthesis to counteract the dynamic tension & compression zones the most acceptable place for plating is Plate on the anterior border of the condyle only. Plate on the anterior & posterior border of the condyle. Plate on posterior border of the condyle only. plate fixed laterally in the neck of the condyle. 49. Janneta’s surgical procedure is Radiofrequency gangliolysis Microvascular decompression Radiofrequency neurolysis Percutaneous ganglion glycerolysis 50. Proprioceptive fibers are not carried by which cranial nerve: Trigeminal Cranial accessory Glossopharyngeal Facial 51. Blood clot the size of a clenched fist roughly equals to 100 ml 500 ml 250 ml 200 ml 52. Intake of which of the following Leads to increased incidence of dry socket Antihypertensives Oral contraceptives Oral hypoglycemic Antiepileptics 53. Which of the following is the most common complication of Total Parentral Nutrition (TPN): Catheter Related complications Acalculous Cholecystitis Acidosis Hypokalemia 54. Middle meningeal artery is direct branch of Internal maxillary artery External carotid artery Middle cerebral artery Superficial temporal artery 55. Lateral movement of condyle takes place by Same side lateral pterygoid Contralateral lateral pterygoid Both medial and lateral pterygoid Ipsilateral lateral pterygoid 56. A dome shaped skull is known as Scapho-cephaly Brachy-cephaly Oxy-cephaly Rhomb-encephaly 57. Which carcinomas metastatise to brain Carcinoma of skin Carcinoma of thyroid Carcinoma of kidney None of the above 58. Which one of the following muscle relaxant has the maximum duration of action? Doxacurium Vecuronium Rocuronium Atracurium 59. Why ankylosis of temporomandibular joint is more common in children after condylar fracture? Condyle is soft and close to glenoid fossa Condylar fractures in children are usually intracapsular Articular disc is not fully formed Condylar fractures in children are usually extracapsular 60. Rhytidectomy is Salivary gland excision Removal of skin wrinkles Cheek augmentation Alteration of nasal septum position 61. Removal of maxillary tori after elevation of flap is done using: Chisel and mallet Bur and osteotome Bone rongeur File 62. Lung abscess secondary to aspiration is most often seen in Posterior lower lobe Apical lower lobe Anterior upper lobe Posterior upper lobe 63. For emergency cricothyrotomy, incision should be placed at inferior to thyroid cartilage inferior to thyroid isthmus inferior to cricoid cartilage superior to thyroid cartilage 64. The right heart border in a 10 year old is formed by all except Right atrium SVC Ascending aorta IVC 65. Carcinomas which metastatise to mandible are primary carcinomas of All of the above Prostate Lungs Mammary gland 66. To prevent infective endocarditis in patients at risk for such infections, which of the following are acceptable antibiotic options for the prevention of infective endocarditis, except Clarithromycin Erythromycin Cephalexin Clindamycin 67. The nerve supply of stapedius muscle is: VII cranial nerve XI cranial nerve V cranial nerve III cranial nerve 68. In an emergency, the artery palpated is: Brachial Carotid Femoral Radial/ Axillary 69. Incompatible blood transfusion leads to all except Increased plasma bilirubin Renal failure Increased plasma prothrombin Jaundice 70. Which of the following is not a relative contraindication for routine, elective oral surgery? Unstable cardiac angina Chronic sinusitis Hemophilia History of head and neck radiation 71. Which of the following is the commonest cause of pathological fracture None of the above Metastatic deposit Bone wasting disease Osteoporosis 72. Collar stud abscess seen in Actinomycosis Staphylococcal Syphilis TB 73. Pyelography is a method by which dye is injected to visualise Kidneys Stomach Spleen Liver 74. Deepest layer of deep cervical fascia is represented by: Visceral fascia Prevertebral fascia Temporal fascia Carotid sheath 75. All of the following statements about carcinoid tumors are true, Except: Appendiceal carcinoids are more common in females Extensive involvement of small intestine is associated with higher probability of Lung metastasis It is the most common malignant tumor of the small intestine 5 year survival for carcinoia tumors is > 60% 76. Ameloblastoma of size 1.5cm x3cm x 3cm in an otherwise young healthy male is best treated by: Curettage Resection with 10mm margin Consider radiotherapy Resection with 2 mm margin 77. Angulation of needle during suturing as the needle enters the tissue: 135 degrees 90 degrees 45 degrees As close to 0 degree as possible 78. Secondary deposits from carcinoma breast is commonest in Lung Brain Liver Mandible 79. Mydriasis is due to: Contraction of sphincter muscles Contraction of radial muscles Relaxation of sphincter muscles Relaxation of radial muscles 80. All the statements are true about exostosis except It Is covered by cartilaginous cap It occurs at the growing end of bone Growth continues after skeletal maturity Malignant transformation may occur 81. Commonest manifestation of carcinoma of nasopharynx Secondaries in neck Nasal blockage Squint Epistaxis 82. To which of the following bones is the tensor tympani attached? Stapes. Hyoid. Malleus. Incus. 83. Which of these is a tributary of the IJV: Ant. Jugular vein Superior thyroid vein Retromandibular vein Inferior thyroid vein 84. Tributaries of cavernous sinus include all of the following except: Superior petrosal sinus Deep middle cerebral vein Inferior petrosa,1 sinus Superficial middle cerebral vein 85. Most COMMON fracture SITE of the mandible is Symphysis Angle Condyle Body 86. Which of the following procedures would be considered the least invasive surgical treatment for TMJ complaints? Disc removal Splint therapy Arthrocentesis Arthroscopy 87. All the following are true regarding duct of parotid except Starts from anterior surface of parotid glad It runs on Masseter It pierces the Buccinator Opens in buccal vestibule opposite lower 2nd molar 88. In TNM classification T3 stands for tumour size: > 4 cm with invasion of adjacent structure. >4 cm. >2 cm. <4 cm. 89. 3rd degree burns, all are seen except: Charred & black Leathergy skin Painful Yesicles are absent 90. Na morrhuate sol is used: As a sclerosing solution In trigeminal neuralgia For degeneration of cystic lining As an antiseptic solution 91. Nucleus which lies deep to facial colliculus is: Trigeminal Vestibulocochlear Abducent Facial 92. Which of the following represents the cranial nerve that supplies derivatives of the third branchial arch? Facial Trigeminal Accessory Glossopharyngeal 93. Which of the following is an abductor of the vocal cords Thyroarytenoid Transverse arytenoids Cricothyroid Posterior cricoarytenoid 94. Deoxygenated blood from the transverse sinus drains into the Inferior sagittal sinus Sigmoid sinus Straight sinus Confluence of sinuses 95. Which of the following, does not form the boundary of the facial recess: Chorda tympani Tendon of stapedius Facial nerve Short process of incus 96. Nerve supply of buccinator muscle? XII IX V VII 97. The instrument used to remove skin grafts is None of the above Humphys knife Sheen knife Shear knife 98. Canine fossa of maxilla gives origin to Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi Zygomaticus major Levator anguli oris Zygomaticus minor 99. Which of these is not a part of ethmoid bone Cribriform plate or crista gali Inferior turbinate Agger nasi cells Uncinate process 100. The number of branches of the internal carotid artery in neck is /are :- None Two One Four 101. Which of the following is triad of complication of massive blood transfusion Alkalosis, hyperthermia, coagulopathy Acidosis, hyperthermia, coagulopathy Alkalosis, hypothermia, coagulopathy Acidosis, hyperthermia, coagulopathy 102. Medial squint occurs due to lesion of: Occulomotor nerve Abducent nerve Trochlear nerve Optic nerve 103. Geniculate ganglion is associated with: Taste sensation Salivation Lacrimation Sweating 104. VIII cranial nerve affects Touch Taste Smell Equilibrium 105. Barr body is found in the following phase of the cell cycle Gl phase. Metaphase. Interphase. Telophase. 106. A patient of burns Should be given: Hypertonic saline 0.9% Dextrose saline Human Albumin 4.5% 5% dextrose 107. A woman with infertility receives an ovary transplant from her sister who is an identical twin. What type of graft is it Isograft Allograft Autograft Xenograft 108. For chemical cauterization in treatment of Odontogenic Keratocyst which solution is used Carnoy’s solution Alcohol Acetic acid Hypochlorite 109. Which of the following statements about `Ranula’ is most correct: It is a type of mucus retention cyst It is a cystic swelling in the floor of mouth It is a type of thyroglossal cyst It is type of Epulis 110. Which nerve block is used to diagnose TMJ pain: Posterior superior alveolar Auriculotemporal Deep temporal Mandibular 111. Waldeyer ring contain all groups of lymph nodes except: Submandibular Palatine Pharyngeal Tubal 112. Muscle responsible for opening mandible Buccinator Lateral pterygoid Temporalis Medial pterygoid 113. Cryosurgery uses: Carbon Monoxide Liquid Carbon dioxide Oxygen Liquid Helium 114. Cystoscopy is used to examine: All of the above Ureteric orifices Enlarged prostrate Urinary bladder 115. All the following are features of tetanus except: Loss of consciousness occurs in moderately advanced case Diagnosis is clinical and no microbiological tests are required Vertebral fractures Survivors recover completely In 4 weeks 116. Posterior Communicating artery is a branch of Subclavian External carotid Internal carotid Basilar artery 117. The primordia of the craniofacial complex develops from Hensen’s node Blastopore Notochordal process Cloacal membrane 118. Baby can breathe even while suckling because of: Wide and short tongue Short soft palate Small pharynx Higher position of larynx 119. The hypoglossal nerve provides Sensory innervation to the posterior 1/3rd of tongue. Motor innervation to all of the muscles of the tongue both intrinsic & extrinsic. Motor innervation to styloglossus & hyoglossus muscles only Sensory innervation to anterior 2/3rd of tongue. 120. Bartholin’s duct is the name of Sublingual duct Lacrimal duct Submandibular duct Parotid duct 121. Middle pharyngeal constrictor is attached to: Cricoid cartilage Pterygomandibular raphe Mandible Hyoid bone 122. All of the following are examples of definite airways, except Cricothyroidotomy Laryngeal Mask airway Orotracheal tube Nasotracheal tube 123. Radiographic projection used to diagnose horizontally favorable / unfavorable fracture of mandible is PA view of skull Waters view Lateral oblique view Reverse town 124. All of the following are TRUE regarding the nasolacrimal apparatus EXCEPT the lacrimal puncta collects tears and then drains directly into the lacrimal canals. the nasolacrimal duct empties into the superior meatus. relative to the orbit, the nasolacrimal apparatus is located superolaterally. the lacrimal sac drains directly into the nasolacrimal duct 125. Sentinel lymph node is Distant metastatic node First stop along the route of Lymphatics Group of lymph nodes A node that is skipped during distant metastasis 126. Which of the following muscle attaches to the anterior end of the articular disc of the temporomandibular joint? Superficial head of the medial pterygoid muscle. Deep head of the medial pterygoid muscle. Inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle. Superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle. 127. The joint cavity can be examined in detail without much surgical exposure by Biopsy Endoscopy Arthroscopy Sialography 128. Antiseptic technique in surgery was first introduced by Robert Koch Louis Pastuer Joseph Lister Antony Van Leeuwenhoek 129. Which of the following procedures can be used to treat an oroantral fistula resulting from posterior surgery Buccal mucoperiosteal flap Palatal island flap Palatal mucoperiosteal flap Bridge flap 130. The repair of cleft patate is primarily done for Induce growth of maxilla Correction of esthetics Induce growth of mandible Correction of speech 131. Which of the following is not attached to oblique line of thyroid cartilage: Thyrohyoid Sternohyoid Superior constrictor Inferior constrictor 132. Cardiac tamponade is characterized by increased area of cardiac dullness Haemopericardium All of the above Silent heart 133. Which of the following is the normal arrangement of lingual nerve and vessels in the tongue from medial to lateral? Artery, nerve and vein. Vein, artery and nerve. Nerve, artery. Nerve, artery and vein. 134. The following is the commonest site for venous ulcer Lower 1/3 leg and ankle Instep of foot Middle 1/3 of leg Lower 2/3 of Leg 135. The examiner stands behind a patient and keeps his head upright and tilted to one side He is palpating Deep and superficial cervical Lymph nodes TMJ Submandibular gland Spasmodic rnasseter muscle 136. Throat pack is commonly used in In all pts who are intubated Cuffed endotrachial tube Along with LMA Uncuffed endotrachial tube 137. Which of the following hormones have greatest effect on granulation tissue in wound healing ADH Oestrogen Cortisol Parathormone 138. Length of the needle for inferior alveolar nerve block should be: 1 inch 1 3/4 inch 1 5/8 inch 1 1/4 inch 139. Wheat removing Iliac crest graft from medial aspect of iliac bone, there are chances of Paralytic ileus Perforation of ileum None of the above Perforation of colon 140. The crista galli is a superior extension of which of the following bones? Sphenoid Frontal Vomer Ethmoid 141. Piere Robbin syndrome is Cleft palate with mand. hypoplasia and respiratory obstruction Cleft lip Cleft Lip with mandibular hypoplasia Cleft palate with syndactly 142. Emergency measure to be taken with caustic ingestion Nutritional deficiency present Intestinal transit time is increased Endoscopic assessment of degree of damage Gastric lavage 143. Which one of the following is a junction of frontal, parietal, temporal and greater wing of sphenoid bone Inion Vertex Lambda Pterion 144. Management of ecchymosis following oral surgery includes None of the above Aspiration with a wide bore needle Administration of steroids and enzymes Application of cold packs over the area 145. Clarke’s technique is used for: Lingual Vestibuloplasty Tori removal Labial Vestibuloplasty Combined labial and vestibular deepening 146. The sublingual gland is located in the oral cavity between the mucosa of the oral cavity and the: Buccinator muscle Mylohyoid muscle Temporalis muscle Masseter muscle 147. Which of the following statements are false regarding facial nerve: Carries parasympathetic fibres destined to supply nasal and palatine glands Provides secretomotor fibres to submandibular gland Has a large sensory nerve and a small motor root Provides motor supply to the anterior belly of digastric muscle 148. Weakness in posterior pharyngeal wall leading to formation of Pharyngeal pouch is also called as: Zenker’s diverticulum Killian’s dehiscence Posterior opening Diaphragm Killian’s diverticulum 149. Which of the following structures is not removed In radical neck dissection Spinal accessory nerve Sternocleidomastoid muscle Phrenic nerve Internal jugular vein 150. Maximum concentration of LA for topical use is: 0.15 0.02 0.05 0.1 151. While harvesting a costo-chondral graft, the surgeon realizes that he has punctured the parietal pleura, the treatment would be To suture the pleura under positive pressure and to use ICD under water seal Closure of wound under negative pressure and to place an occlusive dressing To use occlusive dressing after wound closure Closure of wound under positive pressure and to place an ICD under water seal 152. All are of adult size at birth except Maxillary antrum Ear osscicle Tympanic Cavity Mastoid antrum 153. Dose of Radiation during whole body exposure that leads to Hematological syndrome is: 10 Gy 200 Gy 2 Gy 100 Gy 154. Which layer of fascia contains lymphatic vessels within the neck? Pretracheal Prevertebral Subcutaneous Investing 155. Two cell lines derived from a single zygote is called: Segregation Mosaicism Heterozygote Chimerism 156. Which of the following inhalational agents is the induction, agents of choice in children? Desflurane Methoxyflurane Sevoflurane Isoflurane 157. Which one of the junction of the frontal, parietal, temporal and greater wing of sphenoid? Pterion. Inion. Lambda. Vertex. 158. Lymph from the mandibular incisors drain chiefly into _____. Submental nodes Submandibular nodes Deep cervical nodes Superficial parotid nodes 159. A 55-year-old male presents to your office with a long history of a productive cough. The patient states that the cough has been present for 6 months during each of the last 3 years. The patient is afebrile and chest xray is unremarkable. Emphysema Chronic Bronchitis Viral Pneumonia Asthma 160. Dilator pupillae Iridis supplied by: Postganglionic Sympathetic fibers in the frontotemporal branch of CN V Postganglionic Sympathetic fibers from superior cervical ganglion Postganglionic Parasympathetic fibers from Ciliary Ganglion Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from Edinger-Westphal Nucleus 161. Which of these is not a tributary of the Internal Jugular Vein: Middle thyroid vein Superior thyroid vein Anterior Jugular vein Common facial vein 162. Which of the following passes through the foramen magnum Sympathetic chain Internal carotid Artery Vertebral Artery Xlth cranial nerve 163. Min value on Glasgow Coma Scale is 15 5 0 3 164. Which of the following is the ideal time for repair cleft palate 5-6 years 9-12 months 2-3 years 18-24 months 165. Tracheostomy should be anticipated in the event of respiratory difficulties related to a descending infection of the Temporalis pouch deep) Canine space Pterygopalatine space Parapharyngeal space 166. Antibiotic of choice in odontogenic space infection: Narrow spectrum Bacteriostatic Broad spectrum Antimycotic 167. The treatment of choice for nasopharyngeal carcinoma is Radiotherapy & surgery Radiotherapy alone Surgery alone Chemotherapy alone 168. Fibroadenosis is a spontaneously curing lesion sarcoma premalignant benign condition 169. The maxillary nerve exits the cranium through which foramen: Ovale Inferior orbital fissure Rotundum Stylomastoid 170. Gunshot injury with periosteal damage and comminuted fracture of mandible should be treated with Debribement and load bearing plate in first phase and bone graft and reconstruction in 2nd phase Immediate reconstructive bone & bone grafts Bags of bones and IMF External splint 171. All of the following are true about dorsal root ganglia except: Contain lipofuschin granules Contain multipolar cells Have centrally located nuclei Derivatives of neural crest 172. The trigeminal ganglion located is located: The apex of the petrous part of the temporal bone in the middle cranial fossa Posterior surface of the maxillary tuberosity of the maxilla Superior to the deep lobe of the submandibular salivary gland Anterior to the infraorbital foramen of the maxilla 173. Abdominal muscle guarding is indicative of: All of the above Internal bleed Peritonitis Perforation of peptic ulcer 174. Buccinator is attached posteriorly to: Temporomandibular ligament Pterygomandibular raphe Stylomandibular ligament Sphenomandibular ligament 175. All are true about autism except 2/3rd are mentally retarded Poor eye contact Abnormal dermatoglyphics Language is impaired 176. The middle pharyngeal constrictor is attached to Body of hyoid Cricoid cartilage Pterygomandibular raphe Ramus of mandible 177. The palatine tonsil receives its arterial supply from all of the following, except Sphenopalatine Dorsal lingual Ascending palatine Facial 178. Pericoronitis is seen in relation to Around incompletely erupted crown Impacted third molars only Completely erupted crowns only None of the above 179. Radiographic projection used to diagnose horizontally favorable / unfavorable fracture of mandible is PA view of skull Reverse town Lateral oblique view OPG 180. Among the physiologic responses to acute injury is Decreased secretion of vasopressin (ADH) Increased secretion of insulin Increased secretion of thyroxine Decreased secretion of glucagon 181. Cleftlip repair done at: 4-6 months 8-10 months 1-2 months 2-3 months 182. The immediate step to be taken in maxillo facial Injury is Correct shock look for other injuries Rule out cervical spine fracture Ensure airway 183. The most common level of thyroglossal cyst is Infra-lingual (caecum) Supra-hyoid Lingual Infra-hyoid 184. Osteoblastic secondaries are most commonly seen from which primary malignancy? Breast Adrenal Prostate Lung 185. Which of the following wraps around the ligamentum arteriosum? Left brachiocephalic vein Left recurrent laryngeal nerve Right subclavian vein Right recurrent laryngeal nerve 186. A patient with head Injury should be carried in which position Supine Sitting Lateral Prone 187. A diabetic patient presents with painful indurated area of skin in the neck, with islands of sloughing and discharging pus Pus culture shows Staphylococcus infection, it is: Carbuncle Erysipelas Lupus vulgaris None of the above 188. Which of the following statements is true for men type 1? Chromophobe adenoma of pituitary gland may result in acromegaly Pancreatic tumors may produce gastrin, insulin, glucagon, somatostatin there is hyperplasia of parathyroid gland All of the above 189. Von Rehrmann flap is used for: Closure of oro-antral fistula Marsupialization of cysts Vestibuloplasty Closure of naso antral fistula 190. Lavage of the upper joint cavity in TMJ is known as: Arthrocentesis Arthrorraphy Arthroplasty Arthroscopy 191. Transient bells palsy during INB after injection of LA occurs due to needle piecing in medial pterygoid muscle lateral pterygoid muscle buccinator muscle parotid gland 192. Intrinsic muscle of eyeball are all except: Ciliaris Sphincter papillae Dilator pupillae Levator palpebrae superioris 193. Which of the following intravenous induction agents is the most suitable for daycare surgery? Propofol Ketamine Diazepam Morphine 194. Special considerations must be taken when treating a patient on renal dialysis. Which of the following is wrong consideration Consider that the patient may be on steroid therapy Be aware of shunts when taking the patients blood pressure Treat the day after dialysis NSAIDS are the best analgesic to use 195. In submandibular gland surgery, the nerve least likely to be injured is Inferior alveolar nerve Mandibular branch of facial nerve Lingual nerve Hypoglossal nerve 196. Respiratory distress due to an anomalous arterial ring around the trachea is seen in all of the following conditions except: Double arch of aorta Left pulmonary artery originating from right pulmonary artery Aberrant origin of the right subclavian artery from the left aortic arch Aberrant origin of the left subclavian artery from the right aortic arch 197. Which muscle is attached to transverse process of the first cervical vertebra: Scalenus Medius Trapezius Scalenus Anterior Scalenus Posterior 198. How much hydrocortisone is secreted by the adrenal cortex daily? About 100 mg About 1 mg About 200 mg About 20 mg 199. In a multi layered wound the deep layer is sutured by chromic gut. This is done because chromic gut sutures have: Increased strength Increased ease of use Delayed Resorption Less tissue irritation 200. The mechanism of bone formation in which the cells in the matrix of undifferentiated connective tissue undergo a series of changes to directly produce small spicules of one is termed as: Intra membranous Periosteal Endochondral Ectopic 201. Which of the Following shows lowest frequency of cleft lip and palate: American Indian Afganise Negroes Indian 202. In an adult patient with pleural effusion, the most appropriate site for pleurocentesis done by inserting a needle is in 2nd intercostal space adjacent to the sternum 7th intercostal space in midaxillary line 5th intercostal space in midclavicular line 10th intercostal space adjacent to the vertebral column 203. Passavant ridge is made of: Tensor palatine Palatopharyngeus Stylopharyngeus Salpingopharyngeus 204. A 5-year-old patient is scheduled for tonsillectomy. On the day of surgery he had running nose, temperature 37 C and dry cough. Which of the following should be the most appropriate decision for surgery? Should get X-ray chest before proceeding for surgery. Cancel surgery for 3 week and patient to be on antibiotic. Surgery should be cancelled. Can proceed for surgery if chest is clear and there is not history of asthma. 205. Cartilage of epiglottis is: Hyaline Elastic Fibrous Collagenous 206. 14 years age Patient has displaced and dislocation of TMJ .he is facing difficulty in opening mouth and occlusion is mildly disturbed. What will be your treatment Condylectomy Closed treatment Open treatment No treatment 207. Deep cervical fascia splits to enclose: Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius Trapezius and omohyoid Sternocleidomastoid and diagastric Trapezius and digastric 208. Facial nerve injury at stylomastoid foramen: Loss of taste sensation from anterior 2/3rd of tongue Loss of taste sensation from anterior 1/3rd of tongue Motor paralysis of muscles of tongue Hyperacusis 209. Chronic lymphedema predisposes to all except Thickening of skin Recurrent Infections Marjolins ulcer Lymphangiosarcorna 210. Internal carotid localization can be done most appropriately in the: Pterygomandibular space Digastric triangle Mastoid region Tonsillar fossa 211. Features of hypovolemic shock are all except Low BP Oliguria Bradycardia Acidosis 212. The recommended time Interval between the radiation and surgery to avoid osteoradionecrosis is 4- 6 weeks after radiotherapy Any time during the course of radiotherapy 6-12 months after radiotherapy Immediately before radiotherapy 213. Danger space is: Carotid sheath Posterior to prevertebral area Space between the alar plate and prevertebral fascia Space posterior to carotid sheath in posterior triangle 214. Following statements are true regarding the SA node, except that It contains specialized nodal cardiac muscle It initiates cardiac conduction It is supplied by the arterial branches of the right coronary artery It is located at the right border of the ascending aorta 215. Number of fontanelle present at birth 5 6 4 10 216. Most frequently damaged cranial nerve with a motor component: VII V IX Occulomotor 217. If LA is injected along with adrenaline into blood vessel, what would happen: – Hypertension and Bradycardia Hypotension and tachycardia Hypertension and tachycardia Hypotension and Bradycardia 218. Nervusintermedius does not carry special somatic efferent general somatic afferent general visceral efferent special visceral efferent 219. Renal colic is characterized by Sudden pain starting in loin and radiating down to testis and groin None of the above Pain from right hypochondrium radiating to right scapula Severe pain over right hypochondrium 220. Glossopharyngeal nerve supplies posterior part of tongue because it develops from Hypobranchial eminence Tuberculum impar Mandibular arch Hyoid arch 221. The injury which does not penetrate the dermis fully Abrasion Laceration Contusion Crush 222. Suture which does not adhere to tissue and known for its elasticity Nylon Prolene Polyglycolic acid PDS 223. The articular cartilage is characterized by all of the following features except: It has a rich nerve supply It is devoid of perichondrium It lacks the capacity to regenerate It is avascular 224. Parotid fascia continues anteriorly as Stylomandibular ligament Fascia lata Deep cervical fascia Massetric fascia 225. Which of the following is true about Ashley’s flap: Free flap Buccal pedicle. Buccally displaced Palatal pedicle 226. The slightly movable articulations in which the contiguous bony surfaces are either connected by broad, flattened discs of fibrocartilage or are united by interosseous ligament are known as: Enarthrosis Amphiarthroses Gomphosis Diarthrosis 227. Afferent component of corneal reflex is mediated by: Vagus nerve Trigeminal nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Facial nerve 228. In posterior superior alveolar nerve block, the needle is advanced in an Downward, inward and forward direction Upward, outward and backward direction Upward, inward and backward direction Upward, outward and forward direction 229. Substance used for chemical cautery include all except trichloroacetic acid sliver nitrate acetic acid chromic acid 230. In emergency tracheostomy the following structures are damaged except: Isthmus of the thyroid Inferior thyroid vein inferior thyroid artery Thyroid ima 231. Bacterial mastitis commonly occurs during Pregnancy Puberty Lactation infancy 232. Instrument used to retract lingual flap during the third molar removal Broad base retractor Austin retractor No difference Howarth retractor 233. Glasgow coma scale in death is 0 1 2 3 234. The most common cause of superficial thrombophlebitis Trauma Varicosities Infection Intravenous infusion 235. Each of the following arteries is a branch of the subclavian artery EXCEPT thyrocervical. suprascapular. transverse cervical. right carotid. 236. The internal jugular vein in neck is located within: Spinal cord Dural sheath Carotid sheath Posterior triangle 237. What is the site for putting needle in chest in a patient with tension pneumothorax 5th intercostal space, just lateral to vertebral column 2nd intercostal space, midclavicular line 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line 7th intercostal space, midaxillary line 238. All are supplied by anterior division of mandibular nerve except: Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid 239. Mandibular tori most common location: Lingual sulcus incisor region Buccal sulcus premolar region Lingual sulcus, premolar region Lingual sulcus molar region 240. Sensitivity to local anaesthetics is greater in Type B fibres Type A delta fibres Fibres supplying the muscle spindles Type C fibres Loading …