1. Asthmatic patients using corticosteroid inhalers may develop candidiasis on the dorsal surface of the tongue because of
2. The characteristic multiple punched out lesions are seen in
3. Herpangina is caused by
4. calcification of brain is seen in which one of the following
5. A 5 year old child developed a fibrous verrucous growth on the lower lip which was non mobile,pedunculated,hyperkeratotic and exophytic.The histologic examination showed finger like projections of epithelium running deep into the connective tissue.The xamination of the hands of the child revealed papillomatous growth on his left thumb which was larger than the right thumb.What could be the probable diagnosis
6. A patient with end-stage renal disease has several multilocular radiolucent lesions associated with vital mandibular teeth. A histopathologic analysis reveals the presence of multinucleated giant cells. The most appropriate management for this patient is to
7. Thinning of lamina dura in thickening of space between diploe is seen in the skull radiograph in
8. Acrodermatitis enteropathica is a multi-organ failure due to deficiency of
9. A large encapsulated fluid-filled tumour is removed from the hard palate. The most appropriate method of determining the nature of this lesion is to
10. Squamous cell carcinomas of the lip occur most frequently on the
11. Which of these is a type of scleroderma:
12. Most premalignant lesion amongst the following is:
13. difference between epithelial lining of cyst and oral cavity is
14. The most likely diagnosis of a proliferative lesion found at a denture periphery is a/an
15. Most common site for keratocanthoma is
16. Leontiasis ossea is characteristic of:
17. Taurodontism occurs because of
18. House Brackman scale is used for evaluation of which nerve function
19. CBFA-lgene anomaly is seen in:
20. True about Aneurysmal bone cyst
21. 36 year old woman reported with history of exposed bone in the posterior alveolus with history of multiple myeloma probably has
22. all are tumor suppressor genes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma except
23. which of the type of leukaemia commonly shows oral and dermal lesions
24. all of the following are seen in cleidocranial dysostosis except
25. which HLA is involved in Bechet syndrome
26. nikolsky sign is not seen in
27. Liesegang rings in Pindborg tumor when stained by Congo red and examined under polarised light appear
28. gene mutation that causes ectodermal dysplasia with cleft lip and palate
29. Nasoalveolar cyst is also known as
30. shell teeth are associated with
31. Which of the following originates from all three germ layers namely ectoderm mesoderm and endoderm
32. Ptyalism is seen in
33. Which of the following is not a true cyst:
34. differential white blood cells count in the laboratory are useful in the diagnosis of
35. vanishing bone is seen in
36. A patient complaints of multiple episodes of blood stained vomits .On examination, he has a saddle nose and typical strawberry gingivitis. what is the probable diagnosis?
37. A patient comes to office with generalised oral ulcerations and fever after using a new tooth paste last night.On microscopic examination the buccal mucosa shows microabcess formation,exudates and intensive neytrophilic infiltration.Treatment of choice is
38. Which of the following represents Vitamin D deficiency
39. Mother of a 3 yr old child is worried about small yellowish eruptions along the mid palatine raphe that have formed in the child's mouth.The child is normal and does not seem to have any adverse signs or symptoms.what is the possible diagnosis
40. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is inherited as
41. all are true about systemic lupus erythematosus except
42. a patient with unilateral ptosis of eyelid shows elevation of lid upon movement of jaw to opposite side.he may be suffering from
43. An ovoid radiolucency found located in the inferior border of posterior mandible region, which contains salivary gland tissue is
44. Osteogenesis imperfecta is manifested by
45. The most common site for necrotizing sialometaplasia is
46. Multiple OKC seen in:
47. The term applied to a low white blood cell count is
48. Laboratory examination of the blood of a patient with an acute bacterial infection would show
49. Verruciform xanthoma is caused by
50. A dental surgeon has recovered from hepatitis B by 3 months rest. His lab findings are normal but he is not allowed to attend to patients as per medical board as he is
51. Granular cell ameloblastoma is characterized by granules which are composed of:
52. Most common site for occurrence of sialolith is
53. Patient complaints of burning mouth. On examination tongue was red ,bald and filiform papillae were absent. Patient also provide history of long term antibiotic use. What is probable etiology
54. Most common carcinoma occuring in lip
55. Which of the following is not a feature of Hyperparathyroidism?
56. Cobble stone appearance of oral mucosa
57. "Fleur de lys" term is used for
58. Koebner phenomenon is seen in
59. Riga fede disease is associated with
60. Hyper extensibility of tongue is seen in
61. which of the following is caused due to an immune reaction to an organism
62. Alarm clock headache is:
63. Heart shaped radiolucency along the incisive canal is most probably:
64. The most common oral lesion in HIV infected patient is
65. A differential diagnosis for gingival hyperplasia should include which of area.It was diagnosed as ameloblastoma.histopathological picture will show the following conditions?
66. Taurodontitis is usually seen with
67. Encephalo trigeminal angiomatosis is also known as
68. Periapical cyst can be differentiated from periapical granuloma by
69. Changes in size color and texture of gingiva are seen in which stage of gingivitis
70. green discoloration of tongue is due to which of the drug
71. Chance of malignancy maximum in
72. A patient presents with apparent paralysis of one side of the face which appeared the day before. What is the most likely diagnosis?
73. Which of the following is true about Crohn's disease
74. In brush biopsy ,brush is
75. oral lichenoid reaction differs from oral lichen planus
76. Cyst derived from stellate reticulum and grows in place of the affected tooth is called
77. ehler danlos syndrome is
78. When collecting oral tissues by scraping for diagnosis of oral cancer,all of the following are considered true except
79. A patient has multiple epidermoid cysts intestinal hamartomas,Osteomas of skull and multiple impacted teeth.he is most probably suffering from
80. In a patient with angular chelitis,the biologic examination of a smear from the lesion would most probably reveal
81. Which of the following condition has malignant potential
82. If histologic slide and contents of canal space could be obtained the most likely finding in the region of radiolucency in a case of internal Resorption would be
83. Air on aspiration is seen in
84. Which index correlates the maturational status of a tooth to its developmental stage:
85. A 36 year old female had swelling of mandible in lower right molar
86. KLK4 Gene mutation is associated with which type of amelogenesis imperfect
87. An abnormal decrease in the flow of saliva is
88. syndrome associated with lip pits and cleft lip/palate
89. Which of the following is not responsible for the endogenous staining of teeth during development
90. in a patient with cerebral palsy all are seen except
91. Most aggressive form (high malignant potential) of Basal Cell carcinoma is:
92. Most common tumor of parotid gland is
93. A pleomorphic adenoma is characterized by
94. Condition in which toungue is attached to the floor of the mouth by a small frenum is called
95. in skull radiograph beaten metal appearance is seen in
96. Which of the following has a non odontogenic origin
97. With age, which cells increase in number in salivary gland:
98. which of the following feature is not seen in crouzon syndrome
99. Bilaterally symmetrical, yellow spots on the buccal mucosa is suggestive of:
100. scaphocephaly is caused by premature fusion of