Time Limit: 3 hours (180 Minutes)
Marks for Correct Answer = +4
Marks for incorrect Answer = -1
Marks for Unattended = 0
Kindly Submit your exam before 12 Pm otherwise your marks will not be counted in Ranking list.
Time Limit: 3 hours (180 Minutes)
Marks for Correct Answer = +4
Marks for incorrect Answer = -1
Marks for Unattended = 0
Kindly Submit your exam before 12 Pm otherwise your marks will not be counted in Ranking list.
Time Limit: 3 hours (180 Minutes)
Marks for Correct Answer = +4
Marks for incorrect Answer = -1
Marks for Unattended = 0
Kindly Submit your exam before 12 Pm otherwise your marks will not be counted in Ranking list.