1. chymotrypsinogen is a
2. Co-factor for phosphofructokinase is
3. which of the following is used to detect the chromosomal differences between neoplastic cells and their normal counterparts
4. The most common pathway of glycolysis
5. Which of the following serves as a principal source of carbon for nonessential amino acids
6. Cabbage-like odour is seen in
7. Rancid butter smelling of urine is seen in
8. Alkaptonuria an inherited metabolic disorder is due to defiiciency of
9. "Classical phenyl ketonuria" is caused by deficiency of
10. Imidazole ring is present in
11. type of collagen present in hyaline cartilage is
12. replacing alanine by which amino acid will increase UV absorption of protein at 280um wavelength
13. Which of the following is not a technique for protein precipitation
14. Transport proteins are
15. Which vitamin is essential for metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids
16. hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine requires
17. Lactate is formed in all except
18. Xylitol is a
19. All of the following are reducing sugars except
20. Allosteric inhibitors of TCA Cycle are all except
21. Malonate competetively inhibits
22. Urea is synthesized in all except
23. hemoglobin estimation is done by all except
24. which of the following is seen in association with membrane raft
25. Why citric acid cycle called amphibolic pathway
26. Rate limiting step in HMP shunt
27. The common precursor of all three aromatic amino acids is
28. Most lipogenic carbohydrate is
29. Wernicke's encephalopathy is caused by deficiency of
30. Prolonged carbohydrate deficiency leads to
31. A cell membrane is damaged by insertion of a microneedle. Repair of the membrane occurs by
32. all of the following are true regarding oxygenases except
33. fluorescence means
34. Histidine is converted to histamine by
35. The glucose transporter which is stimulated by insulin is located in
36. ketones cannot be utilised by
37. Alpha helix and beta pleated sheet are examples of
38. Thiamine deficiency can cause lactic acidosis due to which enzyme dysfunction?
39. Main enzyme involved in synthesis of GABA
40. Which one of the following enzymes provides a link between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle
41. Unaltered final product of TCA cycle
42. Pyruvate dehydrogenase requires all cofactors except
43. Maltose is a
44. The primary role of chaperons is to help in
45. The amino acid residue having an imino side chain is
46. for glucose estimation in blood the mode of transport from a PHC to lab is
47. Leucine is a amino acid with a
48. Fructose 2-6 biphosphate is
49. serum creatinine is most accurately measured by
50. the structural proteins are involved in maintaining the shape of cell or in the formation of matrices in the body.the shape of these proteins is
51. Histidine is the most important amino acid for buffering in normal conditions because
52. In glycolysis ATP is produced by the following enzyme
53. Which of the following enzyme doesnot catalyse irreversible step in glycolysis
54. Fructose 2-6 bisphosphate regulates glycolysis at the level of
55. fireflies produces light due to
56. Which of the following is caused by defective transport of tryptophan
57. one of the following is not a precursor of adrenaline
58. Hopkin Cole test is performed on proteins to detect the presence of
59. True about denatured proteins
60. The reducing equivalents for fatty acid synthesis are derived from
61. CO acts by inhibiting which component of respiratory chain-
62. acids found in the citric acid (krebs) cycle are
63. The end product of glycolysis under anaerobic conditions is
64. During gluconeogenesis reducing equivaents from mitochondria to cytosol are transported by
65. Rate limiting step in urea cycle is catalysed by
66. Thermogenin is present in-
67. Phenyl ketonuria is caused by defective metabolism of
68. Most important source of ATP is-
69. Final common pathway of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids an protein metabolism is
70. Role of selenocystein is important in
71. keratin is a
72. Which of the following is used to study protein-protein interaction
73. The citric acid cycle is the final pathway for oxidation of
74. In TCA cycle , substrate level phosphorylation occurs at
75. Cori's cycle is concerned with transport of
76. In the fasting state glucose is obtained from
77. Brain damage in phenylketonuria is due to accumulation of
78. all are involved in fast axonal transport except
79. Which of the following cells in the body metabolise glucose only through anaerobic pathways
80. True about glycolysis are all except
81. HMP shunt is of great importance in cellular metabolism because it produces
82. Source of energy in krebs cycle is
83. Coenzyme used in Kreb's cycle is
84. McArdles disease is due to deficiency of
85. Maple syrup urine disease is due to
86. Muscle cannot make use of glycogen for energy because of deficiency of
87. starting material for production of insulin from bacteria is
88. Gluconeogenesis takes place in
89. Which of the follwoing is not a test for amino acids
90. protein is purifies using ammonium sulphate by
91. Reaction occuring in conversion of norepinephrine to epinephrine
92. A child was found to have hypoglycemia,hepatomegaly and accumulation of highly branched glycogen called limit dextrins.He is likely to be suffering from
93. in well fed state, the activity of CPT-1(Carnitine palmitoyl transferase) in outer mitochondrial membrane is inhibited by
94. NAD+ acts as a conenzyme for
95. Guanidinium group is associated with
96. Not an essential amino acid
97. Semi essential amino acid is
98. insulin resistance is seen in patients with liver disease is due to
99. Ketone bodies are formed only in
100. the nitrogen of the body is suplied by