1. Filters used in biological safety cabinets: Berkfield filter High efficiency particulate (HEPA) filter Seitz filter Millipore filter 2. Delayed tuberculin test response is due to T lymphocytes B Lymphocytes Monocytes Histiocytes 3. Pleoniorphic’ shape of bacteria signifies: Dumb-bell shaped bacteria Non specific shape Irregular clusters of bacteria Long rods shaped bacteria 4. A child on administration of Penicillin developed fever, rashes, urticaria and swelling. It is due to: Ig G mediated hypersensitivity Delayed hypersensivity Ig E mediated hypersensitivity Immune complex cytotoxicity 5. Streptococcus mutans can be distinguished from other streptococci by Fermentation of mannitol and sorbitol Optochin sensitivity Hemolysis on blood agar Production of extracellular polysaccharides 6. All are true relation to scrub typhus except? Caused by 0. Tsutsugamushi Mites act as reservoir Tetracycline is the drug of choice Transmitted when adult mites feed on host 7. Group A ?-hemotytic streptococcal infection of the pharynx may be followed in some by: Syphilis Rheumatic fever Typhoid fever Diphtheria 8. Phagocytosis enhanced by coating the surface of antigen is called Chemotaxis Opsonisation CFT Decoding 9. True about Toxaplasma gondi is, it is carried by – Rats Dogs Cow Cats 10. Secretary piece of IgA is synthesized in assaults: B-cells Lymph nodes Mucosal epithelium T-cells 11. Endotoxins have all but one of the properties given below: Not secreted outside the cell Produced by gram positive bacteria Produced by gram negative bacteria Cannot be toxoided 12. Immunoglobulin crossing placenta is IgM IgD IgG IgA 13. Anaphylaxis refers to the State of immunity developed by repeated injections of any foreign substance Severe reaction resulting from sensitivity to common allergens Severe reaction followings the injection of protein solutions in a sensitized individual Severe reaction following primary injection of protein solutions 14. Staphylococci typically occurs in Tetrads Pairs Irregular Clusters Chains 15. Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus is due to: Lack of nucleic acid in the cell wall Pteomorphism Penicillin analogue production Elaboration of an enzyme that destroy penicillin 16. Opsonization is done by: LTB4 Platelets C3b Interferon 17. Growth factor needed for Salmonella Niacin Citrate B-12 Tryptophan 18. Which of the following is anaerobic: Bacteroides E.coli Pseudomonas Klebsiella 19. Moist heat kills all of the following EXCEPT: Brucella Salmonella Coxiella burnetti Mycobacterium 20. ELISA is: A name of a scientist An enzymatic immune reaction A pioneer in dentistry A radiologic procedure Loading … Question 1 of 20