1. Hemolytic Streptococci can cause serious cross infections in hospital settings. These bacteria usually harbor which site in health workers working in the hospitals:


2. Opacity around colonies of Clostridium perfringens is due to –


3. Adjuvant given along with antigens are going to


4. Chlamydia causes all of the following except


5. Endotoxins have all but one of the properties given below:


6. Granules in the Corynebacterium diphtheria are called by following names, except


7. The type of immunoglobulin most commonly increased in multiple myeloma is


8. In penicillin allergy, penicillin acts as a:


9. All are true regarding Bordetella Pertussis except:


10. An example of naturally acquired passive immunity is:


11. Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus is due to:


12. First released Immunoglobulin after primary immunization


13. Both intranulear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses


14. Culture medium for Corynebacterium diphtheria


15. Growth factor needed for Salmonella


16. Bacteria with tuft of flagella at one end are called


17. Which organism causes prosthetic valve endocarditis within 60 days of surgery


18. The genetic ability of a bacterium to grow in the presence of several antibiotics is passed from one bacterium to other by


19. Method of sterilization for fibreoptic laryngoscope:


20. Polypeptide capsule is seen in


Question 1 of 20