1. Polypeptide capsule is seen in Staphylococcus aureus Corynebacterium diphtheria Bacillus anthracis Clostridium welchii 2. First organism to appear in oral cavity: Streptococcus sanguis Strept. Mutans Lactobacilli Strept. Salivarious 3. Antibody to HSV will begin to appear In a week and reach a peak in 3 weeks No antibodies are present in primary HSV Only after one year Antibodies are present In recurrent and chronic apthous stomatitis 4. EB virus is associated with which carcinoma: Carcinoma of larynx Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Carcinoma of bladder 5. True about meningococci vaccine is Polysaccharide vaccine should be given to children below 2 years of age Vaccine with Polysaccharide B is immunogenic Capsule polysaccharide act as a virulent factor for the production of antibody Conjugate vaccine not given in outbreaks 6. Adenosine deaminase deficiency is seen in the following: Severe combined immuno deficiency syndrome Nezelofs syndrome Common variable immuno deficiency syndrome Chronic granulomatous disease 7. The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle Is Conjugation Lysogeny Translation Transformation 8. Techoic acid is present in Cytoplasm of Gram negative organisms Cytoplasm of Gram positive organisms Cell wall of Gram negative organisms Cell wall of Gram positive organisms 9. Microorganisms of which of the following genera are most predominant in the normal oral flora Streptococcus Lactobacillus Bacillus Staphylococcus 10. Which of the following organisms are arranged in cubical packets of eight cocci Staphylococcus Aerococcus Sarcina Micrococcus 11. Opsonization is done by: Platelets C3b LTB4 Interferon 12. Killer and Helper cells are part of: Monocytes B cells T cells Macrophage 13. Dark ground microscopy is useful to identify: Rickettsiae Chlamydiae Spirochaetes Mycoplasma 14. All are true relation to scrub typhus except? Mites act as reservoir Tetracycline is the drug of choice Caused by 0. Tsutsugamushi Transmitted when adult mites feed on host 15. The antigen injected for carrying the ‘Mantoux test’ is composed of : Small amount of bacteria Live attenuated bacteria Antigen of bacteria Killed bacteria 16. Portion of Immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight of 50000: Secretary piece J piece H chain L chain 17. Delayed tuberculin test response is due to B Lymphocytes Monocytes Histiocytes T lymphocytes 18. All are true about Leptospirosis except: Latent period is 10 days Urine and faeces are main mode of transmission Penicillin G is drug of choice IgM is formed in 5 days 19. Half-Life of free HIV in plasma is: 12 hours 3 months 6 hours 24 hours 20. Bacteria with tuft of flagella at one end are called Lophotrichate Monotrichate Bipolar Peritrichate Loading … Question 1 of 20