1. Phenol Coefficient test for testing the efficacy of disinfectants in the presence of organic matter isRideal Walker testChick- Martin testKelsey Sykes testIn-use testQuestion 1 of 20 2. With reference to Bacteroides fragilis, all of the following statements are true exceptB fragilis is not uniformly sensitive to MebronidazoleB. fragiIis is-the most frequent anaerobe isolated from clinical samplesLipopolysaccharide formed by B. fragilis is structurally and functionally different from the conventional endotoxinShock and DIC are common in Bacteriodes bacteremiaQuestion 2 of 20 3. A protoplast is best described as a bacterial cellUniquely sensitive to penicillinContaining a cell wall and a capsuleFree of cell wall and capsuleWith a cell wall but free of capsuleQuestion 3 of 20 4. Immunoglobulin bound on the surface of bacteria mediates phagocytosis by (Phagocytosis causes complement activation by)-Lysosmal burstC3b and FcReceptor mediated endocytosisOxidase actionQuestion 4 of 20 5. Zero growth rate is observed during one of the phases of the bacterial growth curve:LagExponential growthDeclineStationary phaseQuestion 5 of 20 6. The medium of choice for growing most fungi isBlood AgarSabourauds agarThioglycollet mediumTissue cultureQuestion 6 of 20 7. Pleoniorphic' shape of bacteria signifies:Dumb-bell shaped bacteriaLong rods shaped bacteriaIrregular clusters of bacteriaNon specific shapeQuestion 7 of 20 8. In Which of the following organs or tissues are ascending infections common?PeritoneumHeartKidneyBoneQuestion 8 of 20 9. Portion of Immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight of 50000:L chainSecretary pieceJ pieceH chainQuestion 9 of 20 10. A 10-year old child presented with severe sore throat and a grey psueudomembrane over pharynx and tonsils. The organism causing this infection is most likely -A single-stranded positive sense RNA virusA gram positive bacillusA catablase-positive gram positive coccus that grows in clustersA gram negative bacillusQuestion 10 of 20 11. IL-1 and TNF - ? during Inflammation are secreted byActivated macrophagesPlateletsPlasma cellsLymphocytesQuestion 11 of 20 12. Method of sterilization for fibreoptic laryngoscope:HypochloriteAlcoholGlutaraldehydeAutoclaveQuestion 12 of 20 13. Virulence in gram negative bacteria is due toLipid APiliPeptidoglycanTeichoic acidQuestion 13 of 20 14. Which of the following bacterial exotoxins converts plasminogen to plasmin?CoagulaseStreptokinasePlasmalysinM-proteinQuestion 14 of 20 15. Germ tubes are formed mainly byCandida tropicalisCandida pseudotropicalisCandida albicansCandida stellatoideaQuestion 15 of 20 16. Not used in leptospirosis -Microscopic agglutination testDark field illuminationWeil felix reactionMacroscopic agglutination testQuestion 16 of 20 17. Group A ?-hemotytic streptococcal infection of the pharynx may be followed in some by:SyphilisDiphtheriaRheumatic feverTyphoid feverQuestion 17 of 20 18. Endoscopes are sterilized by using:AutoclavingGamma radiationCidexBoilingQuestion 18 of 20 19. The culture from pustular lesion showed haemolytic gram-positive cocci. Provisional diagnosis of Group A streptococcal pyoderma can be done byOptochicin sensitivityBile solubilityBacitracin sensitiveCatalase positivityQuestion 19 of 20 20. Delayed tuberculin test response is due toMonocytesT lymphocytesHistiocytesB LymphocytesQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...