1. Thumb print appearance in culture film smear is seen Brucella species Bordetella pertussis Bacillus anthracis Ctostridiurn welchii 2. Anaphylaxis refers to the Severe reaction following primary injection of protein solutions State of immunity developed by repeated injections of any foreign substance Severe reaction followings the injection of protein solutions in a sensitized individual Severe reaction resulting from sensitivity to common allergens 3. Which of the following is anaerobic: E.coli Bacteroides Klebsiella Pseudomonas 4. Which stage of plasmodium vivax is infective for mosquito? Gametocyte Trophozoite Ookinete Sporozoite 5. Mycotic abscesles are due to: Viral infection. Mixed infection Bacterial Infection Fungal infection. 6. Lance field grouping of streptococci is based on: Lipopolysaccharide capsule Carbohydrate C antigen Cell wall peptidoglycan M protein 7. Filters used in biological safety cabinets: Berkfield filter Millipore filter High efficiency particulate (HEPA) filter Seitz filter 8. Virus mediated transfer of host DNA from one cell to another is known as: Transcription. Transformation. Transduction. Integration. 9. A bacterial disease that has been associated with the 3 “Rs” i.e., rats, ricefields, and rainfall is Rodent-bite fever. Melioidosis. Plague. Leptospirosis. 10. Opsonization is done by: Interferon LTB4 Platelets C3b 11. Hot air oven is used for sterilization of all EXCEPT: Liquid paraffin Rubber tubes Sharp instrument Glassware 12. True about Toxaplasma gondi is, it is carried by – Dogs Rats Cats Cow 13. Which of the following investigations should be done immediately to best confirm a non matched blood transfusion reaction Direct Coomb’s test Antibody in donor serum Indirect Coomb’s test Antibody in patient’s serum 14. Phase contrast microscopy is based on Light scatter Different reflective index Light attenuation Different refractive index B 15. An example of naturally acquired passive immunity is: Gamma globulin injection Immune blood transfusion Placentral transfer of antibodies Tetanus immunization 16. Which of the following is true about streptococcus pneumoniae: Gram -ve diplococcic Gram +ve coccobacilli Extracellular grain -ve diplococcic Gram +ve Lanceolate diplococci 17. Australian antigen is associated with: Basal cell carcinoma AIDS Hepatitis B surface antigen in acute hepatitis Chronic leukemia 18. Multiple drug resistance of bacteria depends on which of the following: All of above Fertility factor (F +) Colicigenic factor (Col) Resistance transfer factor (RTF) 19. A veterinary doctor had pyrexia of unknown origin. His blood culture in special laboratory media was positive for gram-negative short bacilli which was oxidase positive. Which one of the following is the likely organism grown in culture? Brucella spp Francisella spp Bartonella spp Pasteurella spp 20. In poorly controlled Type I diabetes, most common infection is: Histoplasmosis Rhinosporidiasis Mucormycosis Cryptococcus Loading … Question 1 of 20