1. All are true about Widal test except one H agglutinins cannot differentiate between types Antibiotic treatment can modify results agglutinins lasts longer and hence is not indicative of recent infection Baseline titer differ depending on endemicity of the disease 2. The single most important laboratory test for determining the virulence of staphylococci is Hemolysis of sheep erythrocytes Detection of coagulase Mannitol fermentation The catalase test 3. Germ tubes are formed mainly by Candida pseudotropicalis Candida stellatoidea Candida albicans Candida tropicalis 4. Phage conversion is required for: Gonorrhoea Tularemia All of the above Diphtheria 5. Immunoglobin, which is produced first by the fetus in response to Infection IgM IgG IgD IgA 6. All of the following are true about acute infection except: ELISA is useful in Hepatitis B infection Specific IgM antibody occurs in acute infection Immunofluorescence is useful in detecting influenza infection Specific IgM indicates rubella immune status 7. Filters used in biological safety cabinets: Millipore filter High efficiency particulate (HEPA) filter Seitz filter Berkfield filter 8. The component that sensitizes bacteria and virus to UV Irradiation Nucleic acid Inorganic salts Carbohydrates Lipids 9. Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus is due to: Lack of nucleic acid in the cell wall Pteomorphism Elaboration of an enzyme that destroy penicillin Penicillin analogue production 10. For sterilization efficiency determination, the biologic standard used is: Spores of clostridium tetani Spores of harmless bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia B. Fragilis 11. Group A ?-hemotytic streptococcal infection of the pharynx may be followed in some by: Syphilis Typhoid fever Diphtheria Rheumatic fever 12. The medium of choice for growing most fungi is Tissue culture Sabourauds agar Blood Agar Thioglycollet medium 13. All of the following infections may be transmitted by dental instruments except Hepatitis C HIV Hepatitis B Hepatitis E 14. Portion of Immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight of 50000: J piece H chain Secretary piece L chain 15. Toxoids are non-antigenic and toxic antigenic and non-toxic non-antigenic and non-toxic antigenic and toxic 16. With regards to temperature requirement, most pathogenic bacteria are: Thermophites Ciyophiles Psychrophiles Mesophiles 17. Which of the following is an enrichment medium? Selenite F Broth Nutrient Broth Blood agar Mac Conkey agar 18. Both intranulear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses Measles virus Hepatitis B virus HIV Pox Virus 19. Hepatitis E virus causes which of the following: Cirrhosis of liver Acute liver failure Chronic renal failure Chronic liver disease 20. Soluble components of complement system account for about 1-2 mg/ml of total serum protein 5-7 mg/ml of total serum protein 7-8 mg/ml of total serum protein 3-4 mg/ml of total serum protein Loading … Question 1 of 20