1. To safeguard against post-surgical infection, the surgical site should be


2. Which of the following is not a complication of tracheostomy


3. What is the investigation of choice in a patient with acute head injury


4. Stage of surgical anesthesia during ether administration is


5. Which is a non-absorbable suture?


6. Chronic burrowing ulcer is caused by:


7. Most commonly affected peripheral nerve in leprosy is


8. Most common sign of airway obstruction


9. Which color of triage is given the highest priority


10. Foaming liver is seen in


11. Skin margins while suturing on face are?


12. Bed sores are predisposed by all except


13. Delayed wound healing is seen in all except


14. Which is a massive blood transfusion?


15. The cold water treatment of burns has the disadvantages that It Increase the chances of


16. Treatment of contaminated wound in Gas Gangrene Is


17. In a multi layered wound the deep layer is sutured by chromic gut. This is done because chromic gut sutures have:


18. Which of the following is a better indicator of need for transfusion?


19. Size of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) for normal adults


20. A patient with head Injury should be carried in which position


Question 1 of 20