1. The following organisms cause gas gangrene except


2. After 72 hours of surgery


3. Bed sore is a type of:


4. Which is a non-absorbable suture?


5. Adrenaline is not added to which of cases with local anesthetics


6. Among the physiologic responses to acute injury is


7. Millards ‘rule of ten’ includes all except


8. A person has been brought in casualty with history of road accident. He had lost consciousness transiently and then gained consciousness but again became unconscious. Most likely, he is having brain hemorrhage


9. The first priority in management of a case of head injury with open fracture of shaft of femur is


10. The tensile strength of a healing wound depends upon:


11. Hyperbaric oxygen is useful in the treatment of


12. An army recruit, smoker and 6 months into training started complaining of pain at postero medial aspect of both legs. There was acute point tenderness and the pain was aggravated on physical activity. The most likely diagnosis is:


13. In a burn patient, where should the doctor be looking for the curling ulcers


14. Which is a massive blood transfusion?


15. One unit of platelets increase platelet count by


16. A patient having pulsatile swelling in anterior side of sternocleidomastoid muscle


17. Syncope is usually caused by


18. To prevent excessive bleeding during surgery a patient with haemophilia A may be given


19. Bed sores are predisposed by all except


20. True about hemorrhage


Question 1 of 20