1. Treatment of spreading streptococcal cellulites is


2. In a closed fracture of femur a patient may lose blood as much as:


3. Advantages of full thickness skin graft over split thickness graft are all except


4. Ulcer with rolled out everted margin:


5. An abscess is


6. Cerebral tracts


7. Stored plasma is deficient in


8. In cardio pulmonary resuscitation chest compressions are done:


9. Incision and drainage of parotid abscess is done so as to avoid


10. A 25 year old male with roadside accident underwent debridement and reduction of fractured both bones right forearm under axillary block. On the second postoperative day the patient complained of persistent numbness and paresthesia in the right forearm and hand. The commonest cause of this neurological dysfunction could be all of the following except


11. Acute osteomyelitis is most frequently caused by which of following micro organisms


12. First priority in management of burn injury is


13. A patient with trauma suffers 15% blood loss what should be done:


14. To safeguard against post-surgical infection, the surgical site should be


15. Which of the following nutrients are not included in Total Parental Nutrition


16. For the severely traumatized patient requiring airway management


17. In a post-operative patient, 21 years old with 70 kg weight; 1 unit of packed RBC will raise the hematocrit by:


18. Suture with least adhesion to tissues and high plasticity is:


19. Contraindications to parenteral nutrition may include all except


20. If in a maxillofacial trauma, the parotid duct is transversed it should be:


Question 1 of 20