1. Cystic hygroma may be situated at Neck All Cheek Axilla 2. Scar tissue is called Keloid Granulation tissue Callus All of the above 3. Treatment of spreading streptococcal cellulites is Tetracycline Penicillin Eythromycin Chioramphenicol 4. Which of the following is a better indicator of need for transfusion? Clinical examination Color of skin Urine Output Hematocrit 5. Which of the following grading methods is used to evaluate the prognosis / outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage Glasgow Coma Scale Glasgow – Blatchford Bleeding score Intracerebral Hemorrhage score Hess and Hunt Scale 6. Which is the correct statement regarding facial nerve palsy in temporal bone fractures: It is always associated with CSF leakage Facial palsy is of immediate onset More common with longitudinal fractures More common with transverse fractures 7. Most common site of CSF rhinorrhea is due to fracture of: C. Sphenoid Ethmoid Frontal sinus Maxilla 8. Chronic burrowing ulcer is caused by: Peptostreptococcus Microaerophilic streptococci Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcus viridians 9. In extradural hematoma patient presents with Rapid pulse and normal BP. Slow bounding pulse and falling BP. Slow bounding pulse and rising BP. Rapid thready pulse and falling BP. 10. Which is a massive blood transfusion? Twice blood volume In 24 hours. 500 ml for 5 minutes. Greater than 50% in 12 hours. Same as blood volume in 12 hours. 11. Skin margins while suturing on face are? Overlapped Edge to edge lnverted Everted 12. Gangrene due to known infectious agent is Pyoderma granulosum Wet gangrene Dry gangrene Fourniors gangrene 13. Secondary hemorrhage may be seen in 10 days 20 days 3days 15 days 14. First priority in management of burn injury is Fluid resuscitation Circulation Airway control Exposure 15. Most common ribs fractured during resuscitation T5 to 7 T4 to 6 T2 to 4 T3 to 5 16. Contraindications to parenteral nutrition may include all except controlled diabetes Uncontrolled diabetes Cardiac failure severe liver disease 17. Which of following does not cause Vomiting in a post-operative patient: Acetaminophen N20 Ingested blood Opioids 18. Treatment of contaminated wound in Gas Gangrene Is Debridement of wound Peroxide dressings Metronidazole Administration Systemic penicillin 19. 2% solution of copper sulphate followed by sodium bicarbonate application is needed for treating Phosphorus burns Acid burns Phenolic burns Alkali burns 20. True about hemorrhage Secondary hemorrhage occur 7 to 14 days postoperative Reactionary hemorrhage occur at the time of surgery Primary hemorrhage occur within 24 hr postoperative None of above is correct Loading … Question 1 of 20