1. Which of the following is not true about increased intracranial pressureSomnolenceMuscle twitchingNausea / vomitingHeadacheQuestion 1 of 20 2. Lucid interval is associated withSubarachnoid haemorrhageAll the aboveExtradural hematomaIntracerebral hematomaQuestion 2 of 20 3. Substance used for chemical cautery include all excepttrichloroacetic acidsliver nitrateacetic acidchromic acidQuestion 3 of 20 4. Chronic burrowing ulcer is caused by:Microaerophilic streptococciPeptostreptococcusStreptococcus pyogenesStreptococcus viridiansQuestion 4 of 20 5. All of the following may be premonitary symptoms of tetanus exceptHeadacheSleeplessnessAnxious expressionUrinary IncontinenceQuestion 5 of 20 6. Safest site for intramuscular injection in case of children:Vastus lateralisDeltoidVentroglutealGluteus maximusQuestion 6 of 20 7. Secondary thyrotoxicosis represents asShort standing with multinodularLong standing with multinodularLong standing with smooth surfaceShort standing with smooth surfaceQuestion 7 of 20 8. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) with a known source of infection is called:SepsisSeptic shockSevere sepsisMultiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)Question 8 of 20 9. Foaming liver is seen inGas gangreneAnthraxOrganophospliorus PoisoningActinomycosisQuestion 9 of 20 10. Maximum amount of body potassium is present inExtracellular fluidSkeletal muscleBlood (serum)Intracellular fluidQuestion 10 of 20 11. The tensile strength of a healing wound depends upon:Wound hormonesFormation of collagen fibersActivation of fibrinolysisAdequate fluid intakeQuestion 11 of 20 12. Bed sores areNoneMeleny ulcersMalignant ulcersDecubitus ulcersQuestion 12 of 20 13. Millards 'rule of ten' includes all except10Weeks10 Months10Gm % Hemoglobin10poundsQuestion 13 of 20 14. A 15 year old boy is suffering from Hodgkin's disease which shows involvement of lymph nodes. Which of the following treatment will have high success rateChemotherapySurgery+ immunotherapyImmunotherapyLymph node resection.Question 14 of 20 15. Anesthetic agent with vasoconstrictor is contraindicated in?Epidural blockRegional anesthesiaFinger blockSpinal blockQuestion 15 of 20 16. In cardio pulmonary resuscitation chest compressions are done:On the xiphisterumOn the middle of the Lower part of the sternumOn the upper part of sternumOn the left side of the chestQuestion 16 of 20 17. Laryngocele arises as a termination of laryngeal mucus through the following membrane:ThrohyoidCricothyroidCricosternalCrico-tracheal.Question 17 of 20 18. Chronic lymphedema predisposes to all exceptRecurrent InfectionsMarjolins ulcerLymphangiosarcornaThickening of skinQuestion 18 of 20 19. A 50 year old male chronic smoker complains of hoarseness for the past 4 months. Microlaryngoscopic biopsy shows it to be keratosis of the larynx. all are suggested treatment modalities for this condition, except:Stop smokingStripping of vocal cordLaser vaporizerPartial laryngectomyQuestion 19 of 20 20. Rolled-out and everted ulcer is seen inCarcinomaHealing ulcerTuberculosisBasal cell carcinomaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...