1. Revised trauma score by Champion include the following except


2. Secondary hemorrhage may be seen in


3. Cold abscess formation is due to


4. Not True about oropharyngeal pack during surgery under general anesthesia:


5. Best prognostic factor for head injury is


6. Bed sore is a type of:


7. Treatment of spreading streptococcal cellulites is


8. All the following are features of tetanus except:


9. In a post-operative patient, 21 years old with 70 kg weight; 1 unit of packed RBC will raise the hematocrit by:


10. Rolled out margin seen in


11. Which is a non-absorbable suture?


12. Which is not a feature of extradural hematoma ?


13. True about hemorrhage


14. One unit of platelets increase platelet count by


15. A child 10 year old has to undergo condylectomy with interpositional graft for treatment of TMJ ankylosis. The choice of intubation is:


16. Size of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) for normal adults


17. A young boy had fallen on the road and developed jaw stiffness and severe pain in the neck hours after the trauma Before other treatment one should always exclude


18. Which of the following is not a complication of tracheostomy


19. Early stage of trauma is characterized by:


20. Nasogastric tubes have a green line running through their entire length, this is


Question 1 of 20