1. Which of the following statements about `Ranula’ is most correct: It is a type of mucus retention cyst It is a cystic swelling in the floor of mouth It is a type of thyroglossal cyst It is type of Epulis 2. Nerve repair in an infected wound should be primary secondary Not done at all Delayed primary 3. Deep skin burns is treated with Full thickness graft Amniotic membrane Synthetic skin derivatives Split thickness graft 4. In a closed fracture of femur a patient may lose blood as much as: 2000 m1 5000 m1 50 m1 200 ml 5. Revised trauma score by Champion include the following except Glasgow coma scale Systolic blood pressure Pulse rate Respiratory rate 6. All of the following can be accurately assessed by CVP and pulmonary wedge- pressure (PWP) except Volume depletion Volume overload Myocardial function Tissue perfusion 7. Which is a massive blood transfusion? 500 ml for 5 minutes. Same as blood volume in 12 hours. Twice blood volume In 24 hours. Greater than 50% in 12 hours. 8. Rolled out margin seen in SCC Venous Ulcer Rodent Ulcer Tuberculosis 9. Which color of triage is given the highest priority Green Red Yellow Black 10. Delayed wound healing is seen in all except Infection Diabetes Malignancy Hypertension 11. A person with ‘Inappropriate speech’ evaluated by the ‘Glasgow Coma Scale’ will have a verbal score of: 4 2 1 3 12. After spleenectomy patient becomes more prone to Non-encapsulated Encapsulated organisms Gram -ve & anaerobic Gram +ve & anaerobic 13. Which of the following is not a sign of stellate ganglion block? Nasal congestion Meiosis Exophthalmus Conjuctival redness 14. Syncope is usually caused by Cerebral ischemia Cerebral hyperaemia Decrease in vascular bed Vasoconstriction 15. Gut suturing material is absorbed by Fibrinolysis Oxidation Proteolysis Hydrolysis 16. Agent of choice in day care surgery: Propofol + fentanyl + isoflurane Propofol + fentanyl + halothane Thiopentone + isoflurane + pethidine Propofol + pethidine + halothane 17. Which of the following statement is true with reference to Glasgow coma scale Cannot be assessed in an unconscious patient In the first 24 hrs following a head injury an overall score of 11 indicates a good prognosis Gives an accurate impression of the neurological status An overall score of less than 9 indicates poor prognosis 18. The popular SAG-M blood is useful in Burns Anaemia DIC Haemophilia A 19. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) with a known source of infection is called: Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) Septic shock Severe sepsis Sepsis 20. The best method of controlling bleeding is to Bandage the area Compress pressure points between the injury and the heart Apply a tourniquet Apply direct pressure to the injury Loading … Question 1 of 20