1. Bed sores are


2. The popular SAG-M blood is useful in


3. The endotracheal tube is inserted in


4. Compensatory mechanisms during acute hemorrhage include


5. Most appropriate statement for nasal RAE tubes:


6. Most appropriate mode of ventilation for head injury patient


7. Incompatible blood transfusion leads to all except


8. Cold abscess formation is due to


9. In some old fractures, cartilaginous tissue forms over the fractured bone ends with a cavity in between containing clear fluid. This condition is called as


10. FAST stands for


11. Infection of CNS spreads in inner ear through


12. A patient with head injury opens eyes to painful stimulus, uses inappropriate words, and localizes pain. What is his GCS score?


13. Malignant transformation in a Long standing scar


14. A patient suspected of having a hemolytic transfusion reaction should be managed with


15. Treatment of spreading streptococcal cellulites is


16. An abscess is


17. True statement regarding fracture base of the skull are all of the following, except


18. Stage of surgical anesthesia during ether administration is


19. Discontinuity of an epithelial surface Is seen in


20. Advantages of full thickness skin graft over split thickness graft are all except


Question 1 of 20