1. The following is an example of retention cyst


2. Size of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) for normal adults


3. To check if nasogastric tube is In right position one should


4. A Common site for intramuscular injection in adults:


5. An abscess is


6. Best management of contaminated wound with necrotic material is


7. In a burn patient, where should the doctor be looking for the curling ulcers


8. True statement regarding fracture base of the skull are all of the following, except


9. A patient with head injury opens eyes to painful stimulus, uses inappropriate words, and localizes pain. What is his GCS score?


10. Acute osteomyelitis is most frequently caused by which of following micro organisms


11. Wash leather slough is seen with


12. A person has been brought in casualty with history of road accident. He had lost consciousness transiently and then gained consciousness but again became unconscious. Most likely, he is having brain hemorrhage


13. According to “AHA 2010 Guidelines” which of the following drug is not used in CPCR


14. Cerebral tracts


15. Best vein for total parental nutrition is


16. Cellulitis is caused by


17. Tetanus Is due to


18. Cystic hygroma may be situated at


19. Ulcer with rolled out everted margin:


20. A dome shaped skull with a high forehead in the infants with slight hydrocephalus (Olympian brow) is seen in


Question 1 of 20