1. Most appropriate mode of ventilation for head injury patient


2. The following organisms cause gas gangrene except


3. Among the physiologic responses to acute injury is


4. Which of the following grading methods is used to evaluate the prognosis / outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage


5. All are true regarding Nitrous Oxide except:


6. A patient has Hemoglobin of 6 gm%. Which of the following should not be administered:


7. Which color of triage is given the highest priority


8. Paradoxical movement of chest in a patient who has suffered trauma is called


9. Wound contraction can be most effectively minimized by


10. Actinomycosis is sensitive to


11. Which of the following ulcers have punched out margins:


12. All of the following tests can be useful in identifying syncope except:


13. True regarding Non accidental traumatic fractures all except:


14. Discontinuity of an epithelial surface Is seen in


15. Wash leather slough is seen with


16. Sebaceous cyst occurs in all except


17. In hemophilia, drug administered before a surgical procedure is:


18. During on emergency thoracotomy, the incision is made > 1 cm lateral to sternal margin to preserve:


19. Commonest organ injured in blast injury is


20. Which of the following statement is true with reference to Glasgow coma scale


Question 1 of 20