1. Cyst may be complicated by all except Torsion Infection Resolution Haemorrhage 2. To prevent excessive bleeding during surgery a patient with haemophilia A may be given Fresh frozen plasma Factor VIII concentrate Whole blood Factor IX concentrate 3. In tetanus Infection A child under the age of one year has an inborn immunity The toxin travels along the nerves to CNS The spasm does not affect respiration. The disease is produced by the endotoxin of bacillus tetani 4. In Glasgow coma scale, withdrawal to pain stimulus is given the score of M2 M3 M4 M5 5. Most appropriate mode of ventilation for head injury patient SIMV AMV CMV CPAP 6. The first priority in management of a case of head injury with open fracture of shaft of femur is Neurosurgery consultation Intubation Splintage of fracture Give IV fluids 7. General anesthesia and conscious sedation are indicated in all except: Emotional and apprehensive patients Patients with cerebral palsy Controlled epilepsy Patients with mental retardation 8. The extent of muscle damage by a bullet depends mainly upon Weight Velocity Size Density 9. Dilatation of the pupil In head injury is due to all of the above pontine haemorrhage compression of III cranial nerve Cerebral Irritation 10. One unit of platelets increase platelet count by 100,000/ p L. 1000/ p L. 50,000/ p L. 10,000/ p L. 11. Ulcer with rolled out everted margin: Tuberculous Syphilitic Traumatic Squamous cell carcinoma 12. According to AILS current guidelines for polytrauma resuscitation sequence is CBA BAC ABC CAB 13. All of the following factors delay wound healing except: Ascorbic acid deficiency Infection Vitamin A deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency 14. All of the following can be accurately assessed by CVP and pulmonary wedge- pressure (PWP) except Volume depletion Volume overload Tissue perfusion Myocardial function 15. CSF rhinorrhea is from the Fracture in cribriform plate Fracture floor of the floor of the anterior cranial fosse Fracture petrous temporal bone Fracture of the posterior wall of the nose 16. For the severely traumatized patient requiring airway management The stomach may be assumed to be empty only if a history is obtained indicating no ingestion of food or liquid during the prior 8 Intubation should be performed in the emergency room if the patient is unstable Awake endotracheal intubation is indicated in patients with penetrating ocular injury Steroids have been shown to be of value in the treatment of aspiration of acidic gastric secretions 17. A patient of burns Should be given: 5% dextrose Dextrose saline Hypertonic saline 0.9% Human Albumin 4.5% 18. The cold water treatment of burns has the disadvantages that It Increase the chances of Pain Infection Exudation None of the above 19. Are accurate method of measuring fluid replacement following acute blood loss to check the Hemoglobin Central venous pressure Blood pressure Hematocrit 20. Wound healing is Not impaired by hypoproteinaemia More rapid in young than in old Impaired in anemic patients Stimulated by steroids Loading … Question 1 of 20