1. Most commonly affected peripheral nerve in leprosy is


2. Most common cause of postoperative shock is


3. Malignant transformation in a Long standing scar


4. The best method of controlling bleeding is to


5. In a closed fracture of femur a patient may lose blood as much as:


6. Which of the following is not a complication of tracheostomy


7. Wound contraction can be most effectively minimized by


8. Stored plasma is deficient in


9. Which one of the following preservatives is used while packing catgut suture


10. Shock is a circulatory disturbance characterized by:


11. Which of the following grading methods is used to evaluate the prognosis / outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage


12. All the following are features of tetanus except:


13. Most important step in cardiac resuscitation is


14. Size of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) for normal adults


15. In hemophilia, drug administered before a surgical procedure is:


16. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) with a known source of infection is called:


17. The cold water treatment of burns has the disadvantages that It Increase the chances of


18. Stertous breathing is indicative of:


19. Reactionary hemorrhage may be caused by all except


20. Which of following does not cause Vomiting in a post-operative patient:


Question 1 of 20