1. Effusion in TB is characterized by: Effusion LDH/Serum LDH= < 0.6 High glucose Protein >3 gm/dL Few cells, 2. Anemia in a newborn can result from: Impaired production of red blood cells Excessive destruction of red blood cells Excessive blood loss during delivery All of the above 3. All of the following are characteristic of an exudate, except: Cell-rich Protein-rich Low specific gravity Glucose-poor 4. Strep viridans causes what: Acute endocarditis Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis Subacute endocarditis (SABE) Prosthetic valve endocarditis 5. T-lymphocytes play primary role in Antibiotic production Activation of complement Immediate hypersensitivity Lymphokine production and delayed hypersensitiyity 6. Important components of collagen synthesis, wound strength and contraction include all of the following, except Fibroblasts Myofibroblasts Vitamin D Vitamin C 7. Decreased basal metabolic rate is seen in: Exercise Hyperthyrodism Obesity Feeding 8. A patient came to the hospital with kidney damage. Blood smear showed thrombocytopenia and schistocytes. What do you suspect: Sjogren’s syndrome Lymphoma Tumor lysis syndrome hromobotic thrombocytopenic purpura 9. A mother donated a kidney to her daughter, what type of graft is it Autograft Xenograft Allograft Isograft 10. An abscess is: A tumor composed of granulation tissue Considered to be premalignant An abnormal sac within the body containing air or fluid An accumulation of pus 11. Histamine release within the body causes: All of the above Increased gastric secretion Bronchiolar constriction Increased capillary permeability 12. Difference in transudate and exudate is that the former has a: Cloudy appearance Increased specific gravity Low protein High protein 13. Coagulative necrosis is None of the above Characteristic of focal bacterial infections Characteristic of hypoxic death Characterized by loss of tissue architecture 14. Which of the following tumors is of connective tissue origin? Melanoma Carcinoma Myxoma Adenoma 15. All are true about apoptosis, EXCEPT: Cellular changes such as shrinkage, blebbing & apoptotic bodies are seen It is an active process p53 is a pro apoptotic gene BCL-2 is a pro apoptotic gene 16. in bone fracture what type of emboli are seen: Blood Air Bone fragment Fat 17. Which one of the following can be used in the management of hemophilic patient Ascorbic acid Acetic acid Tranexamic acid Palmitoic acid 18. IL-1 helps in: Inhibition of B-lymphocytes Decreases fibroblast and bone resorption activity Inhibits the chemotaxis of neutrophils and macrophages Stimulation of T-lymphocytes 19. Valve involved most commonly in bacterial endocarditis Aortic Semilunar Tricuspid Mitral 20. Lab investigation of choice for checking extrinsic pathway: Prothrombin time Bleeding time Activated partial thromboplastin time Clotting time Loading … Question 1 of 20