1. An abscess is:


2. Causative organism for native valve infective endocarditis:


3. Diabetes mellitus affects all except:


4. Rapid correction of severe hyperglycemia only by insulin causes:


5. In a case of sporadic ataxia, what lab investigation is not done:


6. All are causes of microcytic hypochromic anaemia except:


7. Episodic generalized weakness is related to all except:


8. The cells which have the capacity to multiply throughout their Life


9. Nephritic syndrome is a syndrome comprising the clinical symptoms of:


10. Prothrombin Time increased in:


11. Most common cause thromboembolism:


12. Main feature of Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome:


13. All cells do not divide at the same rate. Events in which phase of the cell cycle determine when a cell is going to replicate?


14. Pyknosis is characterized by


15. The process by which red blood cells move out of vessels through widened Inter endothelial Junction is referred to as:


16. Which is not seen in Cushing’ syndrome:


17. Nephrotic syndrome causes:


18. Which of the following bone malignancies is most fatal:


19. Defect in DNA repair mechanism is associated with:


20. The desired results in all surgical incisions is healing by:


Question 1 of 20