1. Fine needle aspiration cytology is not suitable for diagnosing: Papillary carcinoma thyroid Plasmacytoma Aneurismal bone cyst Tubercular lymphadenitis 2. Emphysema is associated with: Genetic factors Pollutants AIl of the above Cigarette smoking 3. Anemia in a newborn can result from: Excessive blood loss during delivery Impaired production of red blood cells All of the above Excessive destruction of red blood cells 4. Which of the following causes of orofacial pain is not associated with vascular origin Cluster headache Anesthesia dolorosa Giant cell arteritis Chronic paroxysmal hemicranias 5. Cross beta-pleated sheet structure in amyloidosis is determined by: Polarized microscopy Electron microscopy X-ray crystallography Light microscopy 6. Component of tubercle bacilli which produces granuloma is Hetero polysaccharide Surface glycolipids Sulfadase Sulfatide 7. All of the following are clinical features of hyperthyroidism, except: Tremor Weight gain Tachycardia Heat intolerance 8. Hyperplasia with regard to tissue growth refers to – An increase in the size of the cells. Cellular differentiation from stem cells. An increase in the number of cells. Cellular maturation. 9. Interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor in inflammation are produced by which of the following? Mast cells Platelets Activated macrophages Lymphocytes 10. Following are functions of prostaglandins except: Lowers blood pressure Uterine contraction Elevates blood pressure Increase capillary permeability 11. Incomplete fractures of the bone are called Comminuted fracture Green stick fracture Compound fracture Simple fracture 12. Which one of the listed statements is the best histologic definition of an abscess? A localized proliferation of fibroblasts and small blood vessels A localized defect that results from the sloughing of necrotic inflammatory tissue from the surface of an organ A circumscribed collection of neutrophils with necrotic cellular debris An aggregate of two or more activated macrophages 13. Interferons act against virus during: DNA/RNA replication Removal of viral coat Protein synthesis Viral penetration of cells 14. Anaphylotoxins: Induce smooth muscle contraction Cause enhanced capillary permeability All of the above Produce inflammation 15. Most common malignancy of GIT: Leiomyosarcoma Adenocarcinoma Basal cell carcinoma Lymphoma 16. Granulomatous inflammation with Caseous necrosis is seen in which of the following: Aspergillosis Tuberculosis Lepromatous Leprosy Typhoid 17. Tissue with white cheesy appearance seen in tuberculosis: Apoptosis Hyaline degeneration Coagulative necrosis Caseous necrosis 18. Beri- Beri occurs due to deficiency of: Riboflavin Thiamine Pyridoxine Cyanocobalamine 19. Homogeneous, eosinophilic glassy change in H and E stain indicates: Fibrinoid degeneration Fat deposition Hyalinization Necrosis 20. Which of the following epithelial changes commonly signify precancerous: Hyperkeratosis Parakeratosis Acanthosis Dyskeratosis Loading … Question 1 of 20