1. All are causes of microcytic hypochromic anaemia except: Megaloblastic anaemia Iron deficiency anaemia Sideroblastic anaemia Thalassemia 2. Defect in DNA repair mechanism is associated with: Mosaicism Albinism Icthyosis Xeroderma pigmentosum 3. Most important step in management of acute diarrhea: Give motility reducing agents like bismuth Antibiotic therapy Give antimotility drugs like loperamide Fluid replacement 4. Platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction caused by: Thromboxane A2 PGI2 PGD2 Leukotriene B4 5. Which of the following is an antiapoptotic gene? Bcl-2 P53 Bax C-myc 6. Nephrotic syndrome causes: Hyperkalaemia Hypokalaemia Hypermagnesemia Hypercalcemia 7. Bence jones proteinuria may be seen in: Alpha heavy chain disease Mu heavy chain disease Epsilon heavy chain disease Gamma heavy chain disease 8. Pyknosis is characterized by Nucleolus disintegration Nuclear Shrinkage Nucleus disintegration Nuclear basophilia 9. Interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) is used for diagnosis of: HIV Tuberculosis Hepatitis B Syphilis 10. Most common benign tumour of Bone: Osteochondroma Enchondroma Aneurysmal Bone cyst Osteoid osteoma 11. Sulfonylureas acts by: Activating DPP-4 K+ channel closure Ca+2 channel activation Increasing cell sensitivity 12. Inflammation is suppressed by: Lipoxin Leukotriene TNF-a Cytotoxine 13. Which type of leukemia listed below is the most common pediatric cancer? Acute lymphocytic leukemia Acute myeloid leukemia Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic myelocytic leukemia 14. Mural thrombi are seen in: Cerebral artery Coronary artery Heart surface Heart chamber 15. Which of the following skin growths closely resembles squamous cell Acrochordon Dermatofibromas Seborrheic keratosis Keratoacanthoma 16. Increased functional demand on the heart produces increase in size of the myocardium by Fatty infiltration Calcification Hyperplasia Hypertrophy 17. Rothera’s test is used to detect: Carbohydrate Fat Protein Ketone bodies 18. The host tissue response in acute inflammation is all except Exudative Granulomatous Cytopathic Necrotizing 19. Chronic bronchitis is primarily a disease of: Cigarette smokers Alcoholics Miners Patients with a family history of allergy 20. Edema occurs due to: Decreased blood flow Decreased capillary permeability Increased capillary permeability Decreased interstitial fluid Loading … Question 1 of 20