1. A hockey player gets hit with a stick, and his central incisors are intruded. Which of the following is the least useful examination procedure?

Question 1 of 20

2. Which of the following materials has the highest linear coefficient of expansion?

Question 2 of 20

3. Cells in asymptomatic apical periodontitis lesions:

Question 3 of 20

4. The major objectives of access preparation include all of the following except which one?

Question 4 of 20

5. An adverse pulpal reaction is likely to occur if the following material is placed directly into a deep cavity

Question 5 of 20

6. All Class III lesions should be filled with composite resin, because they are esthetically important.

Question 6 of 20

7. Causes of postoperative sensitivity with amalgam restorations include all of the following except _____.

Question 7 of 20

8. All are true regarding removal of smear layer except:

Question 8 of 20

9. Function of post in an endodontically treated tooth is:

Question 9 of 20

10. A cold test best localizes

Question 10 of 20

11. The primary contraindication(s) for the use of a composite restoration is (are) _____.

Question 11 of 20

12. Maxillary canines

Question 12 of 20

13. The ability of a cavity to resist dis-placement of the restoration in any direction, is due to the

Question 13 of 20

14. Core built up on a molar tooth should preferably be done with a chemically cured composite as

Question 14 of 20

15. Factors that affect the success of dentin bonding include all of the following except _____.

Question 15 of 20

16. What should be the first treatment for an acutely avulsed tooth.

Question 16 of 20

17. Tooth with definite single root canal:

Question 17 of 20

18. Which Root canal irrigant has been shown to cause allergic reactions:

Question 18 of 20

19. Coves are given in:

Question 19 of 20

20. Most important property of fissure sealants is:

Question 20 of 20