1. A hockey player gets hit with a stick, and his central incisors are intruded. Which of the following is the least useful examination procedure?RadiographVitality testSoft tissue examHard tissue examQuestion 1 of 20 2. Which of the following materials has the highest linear coefficient of expansion?Composite resinAmalgamDirect goldTooth structureQuestion 2 of 20 3. Cells in asymptomatic apical periodontitis lesions:OsteoclastsDerivatives of disintegrated cell membraneMacrophages & lymphocytesFoamy macrophages & neutrophilsQuestion 3 of 20 4. The major objectives of access preparation include all of the following except which one?The confirmation of clinical diagnosis.The conservation of tooth structure.The attainment of direct, straight-line access to canal orifices.The attainment of direct, straight-line access to the apical portion of the root.Question 4 of 20 5. An adverse pulpal reaction is likely to occur if the following material is placed directly into a deep cavityPolycarboxylateComposite resinCalcium hydroxideAmalgamQuestion 5 of 20 6. All Class III lesions should be filled with composite resin, because they are esthetically important.both the statement and the reason are correct but not relatedthe statement is correct, but the reason is notneither the statement nor the reason is correct the statement is not correct, but the reason is correctQuestion 6 of 20 7. Causes of postoperative sensitivity with amalgam restorations include all of the following except _____.Lack of adequate condensation, especially lateral condensation in the proximal boxesLack of dentinal sealingVoidsExtension onto the root surfaceQuestion 7 of 20 8. All are true regarding removal of smear layer except:Removal of smear layer is essential for successful root canal therapyPrincipally Contains debris and few microorganismsRemoval is enhanced by 17% EDTAInterferes with creation of hermetic seal in root canalQuestion 8 of 20 9. Function of post in an endodontically treated tooth is:Prevents root fractureProvide support to restorationReinforces the restoration and the remaining tooth structureIncreases retention of the crown by providing parallel wallsQuestion 9 of 20 10. A cold test best localizesPulp necrosis.Referred pain.Pain of pulpal origin.Periodontal pain.Question 10 of 20 11. The primary contraindication(s) for the use of a composite restoration is (are) _____.Nonesthetic areasInability to isolate the operating areaExtension onto the root surfaceOcclusal factorsQuestion 11 of 20 12. Maxillary caninesAre usually less than 25 mm long.Possess extremely curved canals.Are 25 mm or longer.Have an anatomic apex distant from the apical foramen.Question 12 of 20 13. The ability of a cavity to resist dis-placement of the restoration in any direction, is due to theConvenience formRetention formOutline formResistance formQuestion 13 of 20 14. Core built up on a molar tooth should preferably be done with a chemically cured composite asIts lower viscosity allows free flow of resin also around pins and postLight cure resin lacks sufficient strength for a coreCore made with a light cure resin would be too opaque and esthetically unacceptableCore made with a light cure resin would be too brittle and would fracture easilyQuestion 14 of 20 15. Factors that affect the success of dentin bonding include all of the following except _____.Material factors such as compressive and tensile strengthsTooth factors such as attrition, abrasion, and abfractionDentin factors such as sclerosis, tubule morphology, and smear layerC-factor considerationsQuestion 15 of 20 16. What should be the first treatment for an acutely avulsed tooth. Sterilize the root and reimplantImmediate endodontic treatment and reimplantGently replace with finger using light pressure, take radiograph and splintPulp protectionQuestion 16 of 20 17. Tooth with definite single root canal:Maxillar?y canineMaxillary second premolarMaxillary central incisorMandibular first premolarQuestion 17 of 20 18. Which Root canal irrigant has been shown to cause allergic reactions:Hydrogen peroxideChlorhexPovidone iodineSuperoxide waterQuestion 18 of 20 19. Coves are given in:Axial wallMesiofacial in gingival surfacePulpal floorFloor wallQuestion 19 of 20 20. Most important property of fissure sealants is:Low viscosityIncreased filler contentInclusion of colouring agentsIncreased compressive strengthQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...