1. Chairside dry heat glass bead or salt sterilizationCan sterilize a large number of instruments.Requires a brief time to warm up.Serves as an emergency backup.Is verifiable.Question 1 of 20 2. The most common pin used in restorative procedures is a(an) _____.Cemented pinAmalgampinFriction-locked pinSelf-threaded pinQuestion 2 of 20 3. Which of the following statements regarding ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) is not trueNormally used in a concentration of 17%It can be used in place of NaOCIIt can decalcify up to a 50 ?m thin layer of the root canal wallIt is a chelating agent with the capability to remove the mineralized portion of the smear layerQuestion 3 of 20 4. To avoid pulpal irritation below any restorative material, the minimum thickness of the dentine should be2 mm1.5mm2.5 mm1.3mmQuestion 4 of 20 5. A dentin bonding agent has a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic end. Of the two ends, the hydrophilic end binds to the:Hydroxyapatite of hard tissuesResinous restorative materialCollagen of dentinCalcium of enamelQuestion 5 of 20 6. How should a vital second permanent molar with a 2.0-mm exposure on a 12-year-old patient be treated?ApexogenesisIndirect pulp cappingApexificationDirect pulp cappingQuestion 6 of 20 7. Which of the following is the most predominant organism in failed Root Canal Treatment casesFusobacteriumE. FaecalisLactobacilliStreptococciQuestion 7 of 20 8. There is abundant evidence that the initiation of dental caries requires a high proportion of:Lactobacillus within salivaLactobacillus within dental plaqueStreptococcus mutans within dental plaqueStreptococcus mutans within salivaQuestion 8 of 20 9. Disadvantage of Minocycline in 3 mix triple antibiotic paste used for disinfection of root canal prior to revascularization is:Increased brittleness of toothMutation of certain microbesCrown discolorationDevelopment of resistanceQuestion 9 of 20 10. All of the following precautions should be taken when making an acrylic resin Temporary restoration for an MOD onlay preparation, exceptUndercuts in the preparation should not be blocked out as these will provide retentionOverextended resin should be removedPolymerization should not go to completion in the mouthopen margins should be avoidedQuestion 10 of 20 11. Laser used for dentin hypersensitivity acts by:Obliteration of tubulesPrecipitation of colloid in tubulesSealing of tubulesTransient reduction in action potential mediated by C fibres in pulpQuestion 11 of 20 12. Necrosis affects periapical cementum less than bone because:Cementum is more resistant to ResorptionMore number of pathways of spread of inflammation in boneCementum is vascular while bone is avascularInfection involves bone preferentiallyQuestion 12 of 20 13. Which of the following is used for removal of broken instrument from a root canal:Peeso reamerThin tapered diamondsBarbed broachMasserann kitQuestion 13 of 20 14. A patient complains of pain in tooth on taking hot food, the pain subsides on taking cold. Diagnosis is:Traumatic injuryInternal ResorptionPartial pulp necrosisReversible pulpitisQuestion 14 of 20 15. What is the disadvantage of resin restoration when using for class 2 cavity:Low wear resistanceLow tensile strengthLow flexure strengthMarginal leakageQuestion 15 of 20 16. If F2 protaper is cut 1 mm short at apex, what will be the effective diameter0.33 mm0.31 mm0.29 mm0.30 mmQuestion 16 of 20 17. Many factor affect tooth/cavity preparation. Which of the following would be the least important factor?Size of the toothExtent of the defectFracture linesExtent of the old materialQuestion 17 of 20 18. A patient reported back with moderate to severe pain 4 weeks after amalgam restoration of a large MOD cavity having deep proximal boxes. The most likely reason for pain isUndetected exposure of a pulp hornRestoration placed in supraocclusionFood impaction due to faulty proximal contactsGingival overhang of the amalgam at the proximal marginsQuestion 18 of 20 19. The crown-down preparation advocates beginning radicular access withprecurvaturc of a smaller instrument.a smaller instrument first.removal of the clinical crown.a larger instrument first.Question 19 of 20 20. Axial wall of a Class V cavity should usually be:ConvexConcaveInvertedFlatQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...