1. Cavity Varnish is used with:


2. The aramid and ribbond fibers are used to strengthen


3. Which of the following cements provide maximum resistance to decalcification while placing bands on molar


4. Pinhole porosities are related to


5. In relation to gypsum products, prolonged spatulation time will lead to


6. Structural durability is a?


7. According to the ADA classification for alloy systems used for metalceramic restorations, noble alloys:


8. Brush heap structure is seen in:


9. Shade matching is done in what light condition:


10. Must commonly used coupling agent of composites:-


11. type IV gold casting alloys are used for fabricating


12. Which impression material is most difficult to remove without fracturing teeth of a stone model?


13. the antiflux used for gold solders is


14. Porcelain is strongest when in a state of


15. Effects associated with cold working i.e lowered ductility and distorted grains can be eliminated by process known as


16. Asbestos is used as a lining in a casting ring to


17. which of the following will form a peritectic alloy


18. In metal-ceramic restorations, failure or fracture usually occurs:


19. which of the following is not a nobel metal


20. Contact angle between liquid and adherend surface is 180 degree. This suggests


Question 1 of 20