1. Microwave polymerisation for Acrylic dentures uses: Heat Convection Heat Conduction Magnetic Field Radiation 2. For obtaining harder dies to be used for making wax patterns, all of the following can be done except Addition of die hardener to gypsum Silver plating of die Gold plating of die Use an epoxy resin based die 3. high copper amalgams are superior to low copper amalgams because of shows less marginal fracture they have high ratio of compressive to tensile or tensile to compressive strength they corrode in oral cavity are workable at low mercury alloy ratios 4. When electroplating an impression with copper the cathode is A copper paste or rod Copper sulphate The impression being electroplated Distilled water 5. Inlay wax suitable for making indirect pattern is Type II Any of the above Type I Type III 6. maximum shrinkage of firing of ceramic occurs during which stage low bisque high bisque medium bisque none of the above 7. The process by which a casting is heated in a porcelain furnace to a temperature of 980″C to burn off any remaining impurities prior to adding porcelain is called: investing pickling degassing quenching 8. Primer which etches and primes dentin is known as: Self etching primer Self etch adhesive Two step system Auto etch adhesive 9. an amalgam is an alloy one of whose consituent is silver one of those whose constituent is mercury of silver and tin of two or more metals 10. Fluoride flux used in soldering works by Forms a protective film during soldering Preventing flow of solder to other areas Prevents formation of chromium oxide or dissolves already formed chromium oxide Weakens the solder joint 11. Type I GIC is Lining Resin modified Restorative Luting 12. Which property of composites is most affected by the size and number of fillers: Water sorption Polymerization shrinkage Thermal contraction Thermal expansion 13. the most important mechanical property involved when a base metal partial denture clasp is adjusted is hardness elastic imit elongation tensile strength 14. Which of the following is used for making blades and sharp surgical instruments: Ferrite steel Austenitic steel none of the above martensitic steel 15. If gold content of the alloy decreases: Strength decreases, ductility increases Both strength and ductility increases Both strength and ductility decreases Strength increases, ductility decreases 16. Function of molybdenum in base metal alloys? Decrease corrosion resistance Increases strength Increase CTE Decreases strength 17. Addition of fillers in composite resins: Decreases polymerization shrinkage Decreases wear resistance Increases wettability Reduces strength 18. when force is applied perpendicular to the metal surface,resultant deformation is tensile strain tensile stress shearing stress compressive strain 19. the accuracy of the temperature of the casting furnace may be verified by using templates of chemicals that melt at a specific temperature observing the color of the mold in shadow reading the pyrometer using a thermometer 20. About pit and fissure sealant which is wrong In sealed fissures prevent odonto pathogenic bacterial growth It is made of composite resin and sealant to prevent the cAries It includes enamel bonding agent and resin without filler content If in doubt whether the teeth is carious or not seal it with pit and fissure sealant Loading … Question 1 of 20