1. Non eugenol pastes contain ____ instead of eugenol: Orthoethoxy benzoic acid Polyethylmethacrylate Zinc acetate Zinc chloride 2. Bond strength required to counteract the effect of polymerization shrinkage in composite resins: 21 MPa 7 MPa 17 MPa 56 MPa 3. Addition of fillers in composite resins: Reduces strength Decreases wear resistance Increases wettability Decreases polymerization shrinkage 4. dental impression compound is characterised by having a cross linkage reaction upon heating crystalline atomic structure relatively low thermal conductivity specific melting point 5. Phosphate bonded investment is made carbon free: To produce smooth casting To prevent brittleness of alloy To prevent staining of ceramic For easier divesting of investmen 6. In relation to gypsum products, prolonged spatulation time will lead to Reduced setting time Increase in hygroscopic expansion Increase compressive strength Increase in hardness 7. The process in which a solid melts into a liquid with a separate crystalline phase is known as: Ceramming Sintering Incongruent melting Congruent Melting 8. role of flux in soldering is to preheat removes oxide restrict the flow of solder to melt the solder 9. Microwave polymerisation for Acrylic dentures uses: Radiation Heat Convection Heat Conduction Magnetic Field 10. heat energy required for vaporisation of liquid after boiling latent heat of vaporisation latent heat of sublimation latent heat of fusion melting temperature 11. Polishing agent which is known as whitening agent Rouge Chromium oxide None of the above Iron oxide 12. for best results when using an elastic impression material the prepared tooth should be covered with a surface tension reducing agent or air dried very dry covered thinly with a waer soluble lubricant free of surface moisture 13. role if indium in amalgam is to reduce release of mercury during amalgam polishing to reduce elease of mercury during mastication to reduce formation of gamma phase to reduce formation of gamma 2 phase 14. With which of the following impression materials is it advisable to wait 20 to 30 minutes before pouring of models for stress relaxation to occur? condensation silicones polyethers polyvinyl siloxanes Polysulfides 15. Which of the following will produce the most rigid restoration for framework of same dimension Cobalt chrome alloys Partial denture casting gold in hardened condition Wrought alloy Palladium alloys 16. in an alginate impression material trisodium phosphate is the filler reactor accelerator retarder 17. Strength of gypsum is measured as Green strength Wet strength Tensile strength Compressive strength 18. an amalgam is an alloy one of those whose constituent is mercury one of whose consituent is silver of silver and tin of two or more metals 19. an advantage of rubber base impression material over reversible hydrocolloid material is that rubber base impression material requires less armamentarium will displace soft tissue is more accurate if saliva mucus or blood is present is significantly more accurate 20. the property of amalgam that makes it undesirable to bevel occlusal margins of an amalgam cavity preparation is its brittleness ductility flow malleability Loading … Question 1 of 20