1. Non eugenol pastes contain ____ instead of eugenol:


2. Bond strength required to counteract the effect of polymerization shrinkage in composite resins:


3. Addition of fillers in composite resins:


4. dental impression compound is characterised by having a


5. Phosphate bonded investment is made carbon free:


6. In relation to gypsum products, prolonged spatulation time will lead to


7. The process in which a solid melts into a liquid with a separate crystalline phase is known as:


8. role of flux in soldering is


9. Microwave polymerisation for Acrylic dentures uses:


10. heat energy required for vaporisation of liquid after boiling


11. Polishing agent which is known as whitening agent


12. for best results when using an elastic impression material the prepared tooth should be


13. role if indium in amalgam is


14. With which of the following impression materials is it advisable to wait 20 to 30 minutes before pouring of models for stress relaxation to occur?


15. Which of the following will produce the most rigid restoration for framework of same dimension


16. in an alginate impression material trisodium phosphate is the


17. Strength of gypsum is measured as


18. an amalgam is an alloy


19. an advantage of rubber base impression material over reversible hydrocolloid material is that rubber base impression material


20. the property of amalgam that makes it undesirable to bevel occlusal margins of an amalgam cavity preparation is its


Question 1 of 20