1. best cement for cementation of orthodontic molar bands silicophosphate silicate GIC zinc phosphate 2. which of the following will form a peritectic alloy silver and copper silver and gold silver and tin silver and palladium 3. Which of the following best describes “strain hardening” or “work hardening”? softening a metal by controlled heating and cooling softening a metal at room temperature hardening (or deformation) of a metal at a very high temperature hardening (or deformation) of a metal at room temperature 4. Camouflage is a property of which ceramic? All Cerec Cerastone Dicor 5. high copper amalgams are superior to low copper amalgams because of they have high ratio of compressive to tensile or tensile to compressive strength are workable at low mercury alloy ratios shows less marginal fracture they corrode in oral cavity 6. Young’s modulus is defined as: Limit where a material shows plastic defonnation Stress/strain below elastic limit Stress/strain above elastic limit Area under the stress strain curve till point of fracture 7. Green shrinkage seen in : It is seen in all types of investments Gypsum Bonded investment Phosphate Bonded Investment Ethyl Silicate bonded investment 8. a thinner mix of gypsum bondeded investment will result in increases thermal expansion produce a smoother casting decrease setting expansion increases setting expansion 9. which orthodontic wire shows shape memory a-Ti NiTi TMA Co-Cr 10. type IV gold casting alloys are used for fabricating short span bridges 3/4 crowns inlays removable partial denture frameworks 11. the strength of gypsum bonded investment is dependednt upon copper content gypsum content silica content carbon content 12. Clinical appearance of GIC is dictated by Acid content of liquid Chemical composition of cement Particle size of powder Viscosity of liquid 13. Transformation toughening of zirconia occurs due to change in phase from: Cubic to tetragonal Monoclinic to tetragonal Austenitic to martensiti Tetragonal to monoclinic 14. direct wax pattern may distort due to methoc of heating of wax composition of wax the placement of reservior release of internal stresses 15. Principle purpose of annealing is To make the gold cohesive To change metal metallographically To eliminate strain hardening To remove the absorbed gas 16. Which of the following is true statements regarding the polishing of amalgam? it should be done about 10 minutes after placement it prevents tarnishing of the restoration occlusion should not be checked prior to polishing it should be done with a dry polishing powder 17. methyl methacrylate can be activated by all of the following except heat sulfuric acid derivatives lead peroxide tertiary amines 18. In orthodontic stainless steel wire, content of carbon is 6-8 percent 12-20 percent 0.6 -0.8 percent 1-1.2 percent 19. when selecting the color of cememt to use for cementing a porcelain jacket crown the powder being tested is best mixed with glycerine water solution alcohol only water cement liquid 20. The chamelon effect has been portrayed by which of the ceramic restorations Dicor In ceram Cerec Cerestore Loading … Question 1 of 20