1. In hot and dry environment, alginate shrinks by


2. Addition of fillers in composite resins:


3. Which of the following is a resorbable Bio- ceramic?


4. The phenomenom where porcelain appears different under varying light conditions is


5. methyl methacrylate can be activated by all of the following except


6. Suck back porosity is caused by


7. Microwave polymerisation for Acrylic dentures uses:


8. the difference between heat cured and cold cured acrylic resin is least significant with respect to the property of


9. porcelain are made opaque by the addition of oxides of


10. In metal-ceramic restorations, failure or fracture usually occurs:


11. main advantage of zinc phosphate over GIC is


12. Lower density usually means?


13. Which impression material is radio opaque:


14. within practical limits when the water/powder ratio is increased beyond the recommended amount in mixing plaster the


15. Inlay wax suitable for making indirect pattern is


16. Ceramic is known for which property:


17. Disinfection of alginate impressions when immersion method is used should not exceed


18. Stiffness is related to?


19. Beta hemihydrate is calcinated by


20. gold alloys used for the fabrication of saddle bars and clasps are


Question 1 of 20