1. How many planes of movement can the mandible move in?


2. The prime mover in effecting a left working-side movement is:


3. Which is the predominant factor in the formation of the alveolar process


4. The peripheral axons from a network of nerves located adjacent to the cell rich zone in pulp is known as


5. All of the following muscles are infrahyoid muscles, except the:


6. The shallow furrow on the enamel surface where striae of retzius end are known as


7. Which of the following premolars does not develop from four lobes


8. The eruption of teeth in active and passive phases was defined by


9. The mesial and distal aspect (or surfaces) of all anterior teeth have a:


10. Tuft cells function as receptor cell in


11. Odland bodies are seen in


12. A child 19 months old will have how many teeth?


13. Merkel cells help in


14. Direction of the enamel rods in the deciduous and permanent teeth is


15. The glenoid fossa is a portion of which bone?


16. Primary saliva is isotonic. It is modified to become hypotonic while coming into oral cavity in


17. which of the following is not found in periodontal ligament?


18. In non functioning teeth there is


19. Matrix vesicles are derived from


20. Amelogenesis imperfecta is due to


Question 1 of 20