1. An enzyme present in saliva which causes cell wall lysis


2. Odland bodies are seen in


3. Which of these is not a type of occlusal morphology of mandibular 2nd premolar


4. enamel spindle is


5. Wandering cells of pulp are


6. Tuft cells function as receptor cell in


7. All of the following muscles are infrahyoid muscles, except the:


8. The only tooth with three different occlusal schemes is the


9. Saliva which is formed in salivary gland when passes from salivary acini to duct orifices, it undergoes ion exchanges and as a result, saliva becomes


10. Enamel of primary and permanent teeth differ in


11. Which anterior tooth has the greatest faciolingual-to-mesiodistal length ratio when viewed from the occlusal?


12. Which cusp on permanent molars generally is the one that gets progressively smaller as you go posterior in the arch?


13. The distal contact area of a permanent mandibular canine is usually located where?


14. Compact bone and cellular cementum are similar as they contain


15. Primary saliva is isotonic. It is modified to become hypotonic while coming into oral cavity in


16. In which of the following areas is the alveolar process the thinnest


17. Tomes process is a derivative of


18. When distinguishing a mandibular canine from a maxillary canine, all of the following are true, except:


19. The mesial and distal aspect (or surfaces) of all anterior teeth have a:


20. The parotid duct opens on the oral surface of the cheek through a small opening opposite which tooth listed below?


Question 1 of 20