1. How many planes of movement can the mandible move in? Four Two Three One 2. The prime mover in effecting a left working-side movement is: The right lateral pterygoid muscle The right medial pterygoid muscle The left medial pterygoid muscle The left lateral pterygoid muscle 3. Which is the predominant factor in the formation of the alveolar process eruption of teeth normal process of growth lengthening of the condyle overall growth of the bodies of the maxilla and the mandible 4. The peripheral axons from a network of nerves located adjacent to the cell rich zone in pulp is known as 5HT Brachial plexus Plexus of rashkow Zone of weil 5. All of the following muscles are infrahyoid muscles, except the: Mylohyoid muscle Sternohyoid muscle Omohyoid muscle Thyrohyoid muscle 6. The shallow furrow on the enamel surface where striae of retzius end are known as Cracks Enamel lamellae Perikymata pellicle 7. Which of the following premolars does not develop from four lobes Maxilary 1st premolar Mandibular 1st premolar Maxillary 2nd premolar Mandibular 2nd premolar 8. The eruption of teeth in active and passive phases was defined by gardner(1960) gottleib and orban(1933) massler and schour(1950) Baer and benjamin(1974) 9. The mesial and distal aspect (or surfaces) of all anterior teeth have a: Rhomboidal outline Triangular outline Square outline Trapezoidal outline 10. Tuft cells function as receptor cell in Cell rich zone Synovial membrane of TMJ Maxillary sinus lining Excretory ducts of salivary glands 11. Odland bodies are seen in Stratum spinosum Stratum granulosum Stratum corneum Both A and B 12. A child 19 months old will have how many teeth? Sixteen Twelve Eight Four 13. Merkel cells help in Neurosensory activities Nutritive function Sensory function Olfactory function 14. Direction of the enamel rods in the deciduous and permanent teeth is Different at cervical third Same throughout Different at occlusal and ncisal third None of the above 15. The glenoid fossa is a portion of which bone? Zygomatic Temporal Mandible Maxilla 16. Primary saliva is isotonic. It is modified to become hypotonic while coming into oral cavity in Canaliculi major secretory ducts Striated ducts Intercalated ducts 17. which of the following is not found in periodontal ligament? mature elastic fibres undifferentiated cells fibronectin myelinated nerve fibers 18. In non functioning teeth there is None of the above Thinning of cementum Thickening of cementum No change in cementum 19. Matrix vesicles are derived from Inflammatory cells Collagen Elastin fibres Osteoblast 20. Amelogenesis imperfecta is due to PAX9 MSX-1 ENAM DSPP Loading … Question 1 of 20