1. Following root canal therapy, gutta percha extending beyond the apex of which tooth is most likely to impinge on the mental foramen?


2. Which papillae are completely keratinised


3. The crown of which premolar is wider faciolingually than mesiodistally and has two cusps that are approximately equal in heigh


4. keratohyaline granules are present in


5. Merkel cells are found in which of the following tissue


6. Which of the following premolars does not develop from four lobes


7. Diagnodent is based on the


8. enamel spindle is


9. At what age the calcification of deciduous teeth starts


10. Weils zone is


11. The widest incisal or occlusal embrassures is normally found between which of the following permanent maxillary teeth


12. When in proper position relative to the plane of occlusion the crown of a mandibular second molar inclines


13. Compact bone and cellular cementum are similar as they contain


14. In which part of oral cavity mucous menbrane is the thinnest


15. The fiber bundle that is most numerous and constitutes the main attachment of the tooth is


16. The center of the sphere in the curve of Monson lies at


17. Which of the following intrinsic muscle fibers flattens and broadens the tongue


18. Primary saliva is isotonic. It is modified to become hypotonic while coming into oral cavity in


19. The upper compartment of the temporomandibular joint is that space between the


20. The crown of a mandibular lateral incisor compared to the crown of a mandibular central incisor in the same mouth is best described as


Question 1 of 20