1. According to Brealey and Mckibbon(1973)commonly ankylosed teeth in deciduous dentition are maxillary canine mandibular molar mandibular canine maxillary incisor 2. Sensation of pain in pulp is mediated by None of the above Large myelinated fibers Large unmyelinated fibers Small unmyelinated fibers 3. during tooth formation,enamel formation first occurs at midpoint between DEJ and outer enamel epithelium at CEJ tip of cusps at Hertwigs root sheath 4. The upper compartment of the temporomandibular joint is that space between the retrodiscal tissue and capsular ligament inferior and superior retrodiscal lamina ondylar head and the disc disc and the articular fossa and eminence 5. Gene involved in odontoblastic differentiation phex Map 1 p53 p21 6. Dental islands are frequently found in the root canals of which of the following permanent teeth maxillary 2nd premolar and mandibular canine maxillary 2nd premolar and maxillary 1st molar maxillary 1st molar and mandibular 2nd premolar maxillary lateral incisor and mandibular 2nd premolar 7. Argentophilic fibres seen in developing tooth Fibroblast Von korff fibres Reticular fibres Collagen 8. During cap stage signaling in odontogenic epithelium is done by Dental follicle Dental papilla Enamel knot Inner enamel epithelium 9. A bacterial enzyme capable of altering the ground substance of the PDL is Mucinase Hyaluronidase Amylase Dextrase 10. The eruption of teeth in active and passive phases was defined by gottleib and orban(1933) gardner(1960) Baer and benjamin(1974) massler and schour(1950) 11. neonatal line is an accentuation of Perikymata Hunter schreger bands prominent DE junnction striae of Retzius 12. Which muscle is a synergist for the lateral pterygoid muscle Medial pterygoid Massater Latera pterygoid Buccinator 13. Which of the following does not contain taste buds Foliate papillae Filiform papillae Circumvallate papillae Fungiform papillae 14. The droplets of enamel found in area of furcation of the roots of permanent molars are Enamel spindle Enamel cracks Enamel organ Enamel pearls 15. Leeway space is due to difference between deciduous and permanent maxillary canines space differential between deciduous canine and molar and their succadaneous permanent teeth none space differential between deciduous incisors and their succedaneous permanent teeth 16. Sometimes mineralisation of dentin begins in globular area ,these hypomineralised zones are known as Interglobular dentin Peritubular dentin Granular layer Intertubular dentin 17. Atypical dentin is formed due to defect in Apposition Histodifferentiation Initiation Morphodifferentiation 18. The parotid duct opens on the oral surface of the cheek through a small opening opposite which tooth listed below? Maxillary second molar Mandibular second molar Maxillary first premolar Mandibular first molar 19. predominant type of collagen in cementum is type 1 type 3 type 4 type 2 20. The most widely accepted theory for dentinal hypersensitivity is none of the above transduction hydrodynamic direct neural stimulation Loading … Question 1 of 20