1. The bell stage of tooth development refers to


2. Which papillae are completely keratinised


3. The character of occlusal contacts in the unworn dental arch are all of the following, except:


4. The enamel has no capacity of self repair because


5. Congenital absence of tooth is due to aberration in


6. An enzyme present in saliva which causes cell wall lysis


7. The prime mover in effecting a left working-side movement is:


8. Which of the following premolars does not develop from four lobes


9. Leeway space is due to


10. To identify bite mark in case of child abuse bite mark of the offender should be recorded with


11. according to recent research, following is true about of pattern of enamel prism demineraliation


12. Amelogenesis imperfecta is due to


13. According to Brealey and Mckibbon(1973)commonly ankylosed teeth in deciduous dentition are


14. High level of amino peptidase is seen in


15. During cap stage signaling in odontogenic epithelium is done by


16. The commonest teeth involved in transposition are


17. In non functioning teeth there is


18. The ligament attached to lingula is


19. Which tooth listed below is the smallest and the narrowest (mesial to distal) of all permanent teeth?


20. When distinguishing a mandibular canine from a maxillary canine, all of the following are true, except:


Question 1 of 20